First Comes Love (Love & Marriage #1) Read Online Emily Goodwin

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Love & Marriage Series by Emily Goodwin

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 77717 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

His hand slips inside my pajama pants. “Don’t go to work. Tell them you’re sick. Love sick.”

“That would be a lie.” I smile and shake my head. Noah pulls away and the hurt in his eyes is as shocking as a slap to the face. “I’m not sick,” I say quickly. “Plus I get paid hourly. Missing twelve hours puts a dent in my paycheck.” I take his hand and guide him through the house and into the small bathroom.

“I have lots of money.” He leans against the sink as I strip him of his clothes. I’m not in the mood for sex. I’m annoyed and tired and dreading going through a freaking long-ass shift on little sleep. “You can not work and I’ll pay for things. You can stay home and be a mom.”

He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s too drunk. Because in order to be a stay-at-home mom while he provides for the family, we have to be a family first.

And he’s not even my boyfriend.

“Take a shower, Noah.” I help him step out of his pants. I keep my eyes up and my hands at my own side. I don’t trust myself not to fall for his sex appeal, no matter how tired I am. “Then come to bed.”

He nods and takes a step toward the shower. Then he stops and grabs me.

“You’re too good to me, Lauren,” he exhales, burying his head in my hair. I wrap my arms around him, taking in his warm skin and muscles.

“Oh trust me, I know.”

“I don’t deserve you.” There is more emotion in those four words than I’ve heard in a lifetime of conversation with Noah Wilson. My breath catches in my chest and I’m suddenly cold, needing to be pressed closer to his naked skin for warmth. “You’re too good for me.”

I close my eyes and embrace him, feeling his heart beat against mine. “We can talk about it in the morning.” When you’re sober. He might not feel the same about me then.

I hope he does.

And I didn’t expect that.

“Take a shower then come cuddle with me?”

He pulls away and gives me a lopsided grin. “I can do that.”

“Don’t pass out in there,” I warn, grinning back.

I get in bed, trying to hang onto Noah’s words, trying to see how this won’t become a pattern. Because Noah has changed. He doesn’t get trashed and stay at the bar all hours of the night. It’s not who he is anymore.

It can’t be if this is going to work.

Tears pool in my eyes. I want this to work so badly. I want Noah in my life, in our lives. The fear of not having him is like a knife to the heart, more painful than I ever imagined. And now I know there is no use in denying it: I’m in love with Noah.

I’m almost asleep when Noah crawls under the covers next to me. He’s wet, like he forgot to dry himself off, and he’s naked of course. His skin is hot from the water, and his dick is hard.

Hard and pressing against my ass.


“Are you awake?” he whispers, lips brushing against my ear. For a split second, I consider not answering so he rolls over and goes to sleep. Because that’s what I need to do.

Though, sleep will be elusive when my lady bits are tingling and getting wet at the thought of his cock.

“No,” I whisper. “But I should be.”

“I rarely do what I should.”

I roll over and he moves on top of me. “I noticed.”

He kisses me, heat spreading from his lips throughout my body. I brush his wet hair back and kiss him harder. Screw sleep. One night won’t kill me. Because I want to screw Noah.

“Lauren,” he says gruffly, but not gruff enough to hide his emotion. “You are entirely too good for me.”

“That’s not true.” My voice is quiet as I look into his sky-blue eyes.

“It is,” he says with certainty. “You always have been.”

I lean up and kiss him, silencing any words that might spill out of his mouth. If he’s going to tell me how he feels—really feels—I want him to remember it in the morning.

It doesn’t take long before my clothing is removed, and he’s spooning himself against me, stroking my clit as I squirm with pleasure. He waits until I come before sliding inside. I bend my legs and hook one over his, giving him access to my fun zone. He keeps working his fingers as he thrusts in and out.

Then he lowers his head and kisses the nape of my neck and, fuck, there is so much going on right now I almost can’t handle it. I cry out as I come for the second time, body shuddering. The orgasm takes command of my body and my ears ring, toes and fingertips tingling. Noah pulls out and gets on top of me, fucking me as hard as he can.


