Finding Home Read Online Lauren Rowe

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115706 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 579(@200wpm)___ 463(@250wpm)___ 386(@300wpm)

“None at all. Ever. Good, bad, ugly. I promise.”

His comment makes me raise my head for a kiss to seal the deal, and we wind up doing much more than kissing—we begin fully making out.

It’s an amazing feeling to trust him, wholeheartedly. Whatever trouble he had being a faithful partner in his only other relationship fifteen years ago, that feels like ancient history now. In fact, there’s no doubt in my mind Caleb in the present has learned from all his past mistakes, big and small. He’s grown and learned and is now determined never to repeat them. What more could I ask of him? Like the judge said today, nobody is perfect. Lucky for me, though, Caleb is imperfectly perfect for me.

“So, hey,” Caleb says. “You know how Amy and Miranda suggested we throw a small party at the house to introduce Raine to my closest friends?” The two ladies put forth the idea during our dinner party at the restaurant tonight, and I agreed it sounded like fun, even as Caleb expressed indecision.

“You’ve warmed to the idea?” I ask hopefully.

Caleb smiles. “Yeah, I think we should do it.”

I whoop. “I can’t wait to meet all your friends. I’m especially excited for Raine to meet Rocco.”

“Me, too.” Caleb bites his lip. “I’m also thinking . . . maybe we should invite Dax and Violet to the party, if that’d be okay with you.”

My breathing hitches. This is big. “Of course, it’s okay with me. I think it’s a great idea.”

“You do?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

Caleb shrugs. “You don’t think it might be awkward for you to be around Violet, given my history with her?”

“Not at all. She’s been happily married with a kid for years now, and you’re with me, so I think it’s fair to say you’ve both moved on and everything that happened was for the best.”

“That’s my thinking, too.”

“Amy and Miranda are both really close friends with Violet, right?”

“Super close.”

At dinner tonight, Amy mentioned she works for Violet as her righthand woman on a couple fronts. For one thing, she helps Violet with a charity she started to help kids with cancer. And for another, she helps Violet with the administrative side of her wedding-dress design company.

“Honestly, the stuff Amy told me about Violet at dinner tonight only made me curious to get to know her. She sounds like a fascinating person. Plus, who wouldn’t want to meet the famous lead singer of 22 Goats?”

Caleb pauses briefly. And then: “Okay, let’s do it.” His naked body next to mine practically vibrates with his decision. “I didn’t feel like I could take this step before now. But being in love and happy myself, I feel like it won’t be weird now. They won’t question my motives.”

My heart soars. “I think it’s a brilliant idea.”

Caleb slides a large, warm palm across my back and pulls me close. “I’m so happy. This house finally feels like a home with you and Raine living in it.”

Fuck. Shit. And we were on such a roll, too. I know Caleb’s intending his words as a massive compliment, but they’re causing me to feel some conflicting emotions. Does this mean there’s no chance of us moving to the lake house as our primary residence? That’s what I’d prefer to do. Actually, that’s what I’m yearning to do. But, clearly, Caleb isn’t on the same page about that.

With the judge giving me temporary legal and physical custody of Raine, and Caleb mere visitation rights, I suppose I could theoretically take Raine back to Prairie Springs, any time I want, whether Caleb likes it or not. Technically. Legally. But I’d never do that to Caleb. Or to Raine. Caleb is Raine’s daddy now, and we’re a team. A family. Whatever happens next, I’m committed to deciding it together.

Surely, the time will come, sooner rather than later, for me to express my personal desire to make Prairie Springs our permanent home. I can’t imagine Caleb leaping at the idea, though, considering all his connections and business dealings in LA. Regardless, either way, I’m certain now isn’t the time to broach the subject.

“Home is where the heart is,” I say lamely, more for my own benefit than for Caleb’s. I mean, really, if it turns out I’m here in LA to stay, is that really such an awful fate? No. It’s not. I’ll be with Caleb and Raine, in a gorgeous, luxury home, right on the beach. As far as second choices go, that ain’t too shabby.

“Absolutely,” Caleb replies softly with another kiss to the top of my head. “You and Raine are my home now, wherever we are.”

Oooh, that was promising. Maybe I should broach the subject of moving to the lake house now, after all?

“Guess what?” Caleb says, before I’ve mustered the courage to open that can of worms.


