Finding his Goddess – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94091 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 470(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

“I see…I see…” The Twainer looked thoughtful.

“I’m hoping we can still do the deal,” Lucy went on, trying to sound like a professional businesswoman, despite the fact that T’zaren was licking her and sucking her outer pussy lips into his hot mouth under the table. He had stopped during the abuse of the guard, but was back at it again now, almost as though he wanted to remind Lucy he was still there and that he had her back if things went wrong.

“So you still want to deal? We shall see,” Mistress Shin’dara purred.

Which was better than an outright “no,” Lucy thought. Though still not as good as a positive “yes.”

“I hope we can see sooner rather than later,” she said pointedly. “I’d like to get the dimriel and leave today if I could. Besides, I’m sure you want to be rid of me and have your stronghold back to yourself again. Since you’ve been away for so long,” she added.

“I may.” Mistress Shin’dara nodded. “It all depends.”

“What does it depend on?” Lucy asked, trying to keep the impatience out of her voice. “I need the dimriel and I’m prepared to make it worth your while to part with some of it. I have an excellent line of credit to work with,” she added enticingly.

“It depends on what you’re willing to pay for it, of course.” The Twainer’s dark eyes flashed. “And credit isn’t the only thing I care about—I’m already quite rich, you know. But we can get into that later. For now, I hope you’re enjoying your breakfast?”

“Yes, it’s delicious,” Lucy said honestly. She had bitten into a flaky pastry that was filled with some kind of salty meat paste and was really enjoying it. She just wished she could share some with T’zaren, but even if that had been acceptable, his mouth was otherwise occupied.

It was strange, but she was actually getting used to feeling his tongue lapping her softly and slowly as she ate and talked. Reaching under the table, she caressed his rough cheek and ran her fingers through his hair with the hand that wasn’t holding her pastry. In response, he gave a low rumble of contentment and pleasure—it really made her think he was enjoying his role as her manservant, as strange as that sounded. Then again, maybe he was just a really good actor…

“I’m so glad you like the pastry! And you have such adventurous tastes!” Mistress Shin’dara said, breaking Lucy’s train of thought and giving her a malicious smile. “It’s not everyone who likes bitta beetle paste!”

“Uh…beetle paste, did you say?” Lucy put down the pastry abruptly.

“Oh my yes! They’re an insect species that live on the chasm walls, don’t you know,” Mistress Shin’dara said. “Quite as big as your head, crawling up and down the rock face all day and night, though they can flatten their bodies to fit into almost any crack when you try to catch them.”

“They…they can?” Lucy took a gulp of the hot cinnamon drink, feeling sick as she pictured the giant insects the other woman was describing. In her mind’s eye, they looked like roaches—really big ones. Disgusting!

“Oh yes, they can! Of course, their antenna and all those legs are no good for eating—too tough and chitinous, you know. But once you break open their shell, the guts inside are quite tasty.” Mistress Shin’dara’s smile widened as she imparted this knowledge.

“Wow…that’s…really interesting.” Lucy chugged more of her drink. Had she really eaten a pastry full of bug guts? The idea was revolting!

“I’m so glad you find it mentally stimulating. But…you’re not eating any more of your pastry?” Mistress Shin’dara gave her a look of mock-concern. “What’s wrong, my dear?”

“Oh, it’s just that I’m still full from last night,” Lucy lied. “I, uh, ate quite a lot of fleur’igan soup with your Other Half—with Lady Twa’linda at dinner. Where is she, by the way?” she added, hoping to change the subject. “I mean, where does she go when you’re here?”

Mistress Shin’dara gave an ugly laugh.

“Now wouldn’t you like to know? Maybe you’ll even find out—if you stay long enough.”

“I’m staying until I get the dimriel,” Lucy said, lifting her chin. If she had to play the hard-nosed businesswoman to get what she wanted, well, she was willing to do that. More than willing—she refused to let the Mother Ship and all the people depending on her down!

“Very well.” There was a look of respect in the other woman’s eyes and she nodded thoughtfully. “Then if you’re serious about staying and dealing with me, you can come to the Throne Room after breakfast and witness the Loyalty Ceremony.”

“Loyalty Ceremony? What’s that?” Lucy frowned.

“It’s where the guards and staff pay obeisance to me and swear their undying loyalty—reaffirming their commitment to serve me,” Shin’dara explained. “It’s necessary, considering how long my fool of an Other Half kept me under wraps!”


