Filthy Bastard – Royal Bastards MC Read online Madison Faye

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 37123 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 186(@200wpm)___ 148(@250wpm)___ 124(@300wpm)

Killian says nothing, and Owen’s face darkens.


My dad looks white as he shifts his weight nervously and glances furtively at Owen.

“Now, hang on one sec—”

“Shut the fuck up, Leonard,” Owen hisses. “You work for them same as me, so shut the fuck up.”

His gaze shifts back to Killian.


Killian smiles thinly.

“Eat a dick, Owen.”

“I’m going to blow your brains out right fucking here,” Owen snarls. “You want that? In front of her? Last chance, brother. Two and half!”

Suddenly, everything around me goes into slow motion. I see my father fidgeting in slow motion. I see Owen’s hand clench the gun in slow motion, his finger tightening dangerously as his lips pull back in a sneer and his eyes turn wild. And then I turn, and I see the man I love.

And I know it in one second that it’s true. I see the man I love, in slow motion, looking death in the eye and not flinching. He turns slowly to me, and our eyes lock in the slow-motion world I’m in, and just like that, it all clicks, and I know exactly what I need to do. I know, because I know he’d do it, if that were me with a gun in my face.

In slow-motion, Owen’s deep, drawn out, slow-motion voice begins to drawl out the word “three,” and I turn. In slow-motion, like I’m underwater, I whirl, grab the whisky bottle from the counter, and I move before I can even think it through. I spin back, the bottle swings high in the air, and then I bring it down with every single ounce of strength in my body, right over Owen’s head.

The glass explodes, and suddenly, slow-motion evaporates, and everything goes rushing back into real time.

Owen grunts, the lights go out of his eyes, and he slumps to ground in a second. Shattered glass, whisky, and blood swirl around him, and Killian snarls as he lunges forward to kick the guns from his hands. He whirls, and my father gasps and goes white as a ghost as Killian slams him into the fridge.

He turns to me, our eyes locking as my mind still tries to process what I just did.

“Nicole,” he says quietly.

I just stare at him, barely blinking, barely breathing.


I gasp, shaken out of my numbness.


“Are you okay?” he says gently.

“I—yeah,” I nod, biting my lip. “Yeah, I am.”

“Can you grab my phone?”

I nod, rushing over to the counter, grabbing his phone, and handing it to him. He keeps one hand on my dad’s neck, pinning him to the refrigerator as he opens the phone with his other hand and hits a number.

“Hawk,” he growls after a second. “Hey brother, I need Grey—no, I know you’re on a run—Hawk, I know!” he roars, making my dad gasp.

“This is a nine-one-one, brother,” he hisses, his eyes wild. “I need him now.”

There’s a second of silence, and then I see Killian smile thinly.

“Grey,” he growls, turning to smile at me before he turns to glare at my father.

“We gotta talk.”

Chapter Fifteen



I grin as Nicole glances up at me quickly.

“Wait, should I be?”

I shrug. “I mean, you’re in the lair of a big bad biker gang, about to meet a whole bunch of them.”

She nods, tapping her chin like she’s thinking hard, even though I can see her hiding that smirk.

“So, you’re saying you’re the least scary of the bunch?”

I arch a brow at the impish grin on her face.


She giggles, hugging my arm tight as she leans her head against it. Across the garage, a door opens, and in walks Grey and Hawk—our Sergeant at Arms. Grey nods at me, reaching up a running a hand through his longish dark hair.

“Yeah?” I grin.

He nods, grinning back as he walks over. “Yeah,” he growls in that deep baritone of his. “We’re all good.”

Fuck yes.

What he’s talking about is that he and Hawk, who’s actually probably going to be up for VP soon, pending a club vote, just had a sit-down with both Jerry O’Connor, the President of the O’Connor Boys, and Franco Spimaldi, a top lieutenant of the Boston mob, about what just went down with Owen and Leonard.

“We’re all good” means two things—one, that Jerry doesn’t want to cut my dick off and choke me with it anymore, and two, that this shit with the mob is over.

That night at my shore house, after everything went down, Leonard spilled everything. Shit he leaked like a fucking sinking ship—and I mean that in the information he puked up, and the fact that he was literally pissing his pants telling me everything. As it turns out, he and Owen were in cahoots with a few fringe guys in the mob, looking to make an alliance that would make Owen a low-level king and these fringe mob guys new bosses.

Leonard spilling everything and Nicole bashing a bottle of Jameson over Owen’s traitorous head nipped that in the bud pretty fucking quick.


