Fierce Obsessions Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

Tao forced his eyes open, and there was the bastard—sitting on a bench inside a van, pointing a gun at him. Tao really was damn tired of guns.

The arrogant piece of shit hadn’t even put any restraints on Tao, so sure he was in the position of power. And fuck if Ramón wasn’t in the position of power. Tao had little to no energy in his system and, honestly, he was pretty sure he’d pass out again if he moved.

Only once in his life had he felt this weak—the night he’d almost died.

“You’re awake. Good. I didn’t know your kind could shift while unconscious.”

It happened occasionally.

Ramón smiled. “I must say, you and your pack mates are much more vicious fighters than I gave you all credit for.” There was actually a little respect in those words. “I’m pretty sure me and my driver are the only survivors.” And that didn’t seem to concern him.

Tao’s upper lip curled. “Maybe if you hadn’t come after the others and then hidden in the trees like a couple of pussies, you’d be just as dead as them.”

Ramón’s anger rose up in his scent. “I’ll let that comment slide, since I’m quite sure this has been a trying evening for you.” His brow creased. “It’s been just as trying for me. Things didn’t really go to plan.”

“You mean Taryn didn’t go to the gate, so you couldn’t snatch her and then leave all your friends to keep the rest of us occupied while you drove away with her in the van.”

“Yes, that is what I mean. But I’m an adaptable person. When it became clear I wouldn’t be able to get to your Alpha female, I decided I’d just have to grab another one of you to make her see reason. It was purely by chance that the wolf I managed to catch is you. It’s fitting, really.” He gave Tao a look of reprimand. “You really did let me down, Mr. Lukas. Things didn’t have to be this way.”

A bump in the road jarred the van, and Tao ground his teeth against the pain that jolted him.

“They know I’ve taken you,” Ramón went on. “One wolf saw us leave and tried to give chase. Probably would have caught up to us if their leg hadn’t been lame. I suppose we’re now about to find out just how valuable you are to your pack—or what’s left of it, anyway.” His smile was falsely sympathetic. “Oh, I really am sorry about your pretty raven.”

Tao didn’t correct him. It was better to let the guy think he didn’t need to be on his guard. But he did need to be, because Tao was sensing a lot of things from his mate at that moment—rage, pain, fear, but not panic. Riley knew where he was, he’d bet money on it. “You won’t live through this night.”

Ramón grinned. “Oh, I assure you I will. Sadly, I can’t say the same for you. You’re looking a little worse for wear. Maybe your Alpha will arrive in time to save you. I’m in a good mood, I’ll allow her to heal you before trading places with you.”

“Taryn can’t help your brother. She can’t heal diseases, it’s not—” A bullet sank into Tao’s side. His whole body jerked, and agony rippled through him, snatching the breath from his lungs. The world went dark for a few seconds.

“She can heal my brother and she will. Or both he and you die. That’s the—”

A loud thud shook the van. The tires screeched as the van swerved, jerked, and bounced to a halt—causing Ramón to fall back against the side of the van and grab on to the bench for purchase. The gun clattered to the floor, landing not far from Tao. Adrenaline spiked through him. He lunged for the gun. Missed. Stars burst behind his eyes and his stomach churned, but the adrenaline dimmed the pain. He heard a man scream, wondered if it was the driver.

Ramón dived, reaching out to grab the gun. Tao reared up and slammed his elbow into the bastard’s face, making him stumble back. Ramón’s ass hit the floor of the van with an awkward thump. He kicked at Tao’s face, but Tao seized his ankle and twisted it sharply. Bone snapped and Ramón cried out through his teeth, making Tao’s wolf bare his teeth in a feral grin.

Ramón tried to regain possession of his leg, but Tao kept a tight grip on it. The human pitched forward and made a grab for Tao’s hair, missing by mere inches. Tao bit into his hand, and Ramón snatched it back with a growl of outrage. The smell of the bastard’s blood was almost better than the look of pain on his face.

Cursing, Ramón swerved, kicking out with his good leg. His boot smacked Tao’s head hard.


