Fierce Read online Renee Rose (Wolf Ranch #4)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Wolf Ranch Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 59405 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 297(@200wpm)___ 238(@250wpm)___ 198(@300wpm)

“Does that feel good, Doc?” I breathed against her neck, licked her delicate skin.

“Yes.” Her immediate response sent satisfaction humming through me. I couldn’t wait for her to call my name like she had in the shower the night before. I pushed my finger inside her again, grinding the heel of my hand against her clit as I did. She brought her fingers down on top of mine, pushing me deeper.

“You want more?” Just the knowledge that no other guy had done this, that I was the first to witness her pleasure made my dick hard. Maybe it was a caveman thing, but I wanted to howl that I was claiming something so sweet.

“Yes,” she gasped.

I worked a second finger inside her, and she sobbed out a breath.

“Oh God.”

“Do me a favor, Doc,” I murmured in her ear, still working my fingers inside her and my palm against her clit. “Moan my name again when you come, like you did last night.”

She shook her head, but her breath was ragged, her pelvis undulated against my hand.

“Say it,” I encouraged.

“No,” she whimpered.

“Which cowboy are you going to ride while you’re here?”

She choked, her belly shuddering against my forearm, then gasped, “Levi!” Her muscles squeezed around my fingers as she came, her walls pulsing with her release.

“That’s right, doll,” I said, watching her come. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open, her breathing ragged. That mind of hers wasn’t thinking about anything at all but the pleasure I gave her. Fuck, yes. “I’m the guy who’s going to make you come. Every. Damn. Time.”



Oh wow. Sex with a partner was way better than on my own. Exponentially better. So good I started giggling because the whole thing was so ridiculous. Seraphina nickered and shifted in the stall.

I wasn’t the type to let a man get his hands down my pants in a stable.

Especially not a cowboy. And yet, Levi had his hand down my pants. In a stable. With Seraphina watching.

“This is crazy,” I laughed as he slipped his hand free then slid his fingers in his mouth.

Oh my.

He kept his eyes on me as he did it, and I listened to the growl that ripped from his chest. It was one of the most carnal things I’d ever seen. My pussy clenched on nothing. The feel of his fingers lingered.

He was so skilled, and that was all he’d used. His fingers. What could he do if he got his entire body into it? And we weren’t in the stable when he did so.

He helped me zip my jeans.

“What about you?” I wondered. He hadn’t gotten off, and I could see the thick bulge of his dick pressing against his pants. That couldn’t be comfortable.

His hands stayed at my waist, but his gaze lifted to mine. “I’m not taking you for the first time in the stable. I want a bed and hours where we can figure out what makes you hot, what gets you off.”

“Oh,” I breathed.

Seraphina snuffled and brought me out of my orgasm-induced fog.

“I can’t believe we just did that in here.” I looked up at him through my lashes.


I shook my head. “I, uh, had a strict no-fling rule. Especially people I work with.”

His forehead wrinkled. “That right?” He looked more bothered by it than he should.

To ease the sting, I shared. “It’s hard to be a woman in a man’s world. I have to ensure I’m seen as qualified for my job because of my experience and skills, and I don’t mean between the sheets. I really shouldn’t be with you here because you’re the client, but… ”

He smiled. “I’d say that since Eddison’s fucking your mare, there’s probably a gray area.”

I pursed my lips, so I didn’t laugh. He had a point. I wasn’t going after Clint who was the Wolf Ranch representative I was working with, and it was Eddison who had to prove himself more than me.

Levi’s expression softened. “I’m sorry you have to validate your abilities because you’re a woman. It’s hard enough in any job proving you’re worthy. Like me, the cowboy sheriff.” He grinned.

A prickle of warning ran through me at the word sheriff, but my body felt so good from the orgasm, I shoved it away.

My cell rang, and I startled. Levi stepped back, and I grabbed my cell from my back pocket. “Oh! It’s my grandfather. Hang on, I have to take this.” I held up a finger, wincing.

“Of course.” He nodded and angled his body away, as if to give me privacy. He turned to Seraphina and rubbed her nose.

“Hi, Pops,” I said, a pang of guilt running through me at leaving him for these two weeks. My gram had died two years ago, and he’d been getting increasingly confused. Forgetful. While I’d lived close by before, I’d moved back in with him this past year to make sure he was okay.


