Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

If he wanted me dead, he didn’t have to bring me here to do it, right?

Dragging my fingers along the dresser, I pull the drawers open, but they’re empty. The giant walk-in closet is too, but the black marble vanity in the corner with burgundy bulbs, golden fangs of a python wrapped around them, isn’t.

A golden brush sits inside, its handle just barely long enough to fit in my palm. I pull the few strands of hair still wrapped in its bristles, the long curly thread as black as the carpet beneath my feet. Flipping it over, the blood in my veins runs cold, and I drop it to the floor.

It lands bristle side down, the crest glaring up at me.

A triangle with a single vertical line running through it.

My jewelry box flashes in my mind, as well as the little doll that dances inside it. I remember always thinking how odd it was for a little girl’s toy to have a dancing Medusa draped in black velvet, with eyes that glow green when you stare into them, but I love that stupid thing. Loved it enough to bring it across the country to college with me.

Honestly, I’m not sure where I got it, but this symbol, I bend, staring at the sharp lines along the brush’s back, is the same.

My pulse beats a little hard, and I swipe it off the floor, quickly shoving it into the drawer.

I spin around, spotting a remote on the bedside table for the first time, but as I look around, there’s no TV. Picking it up, I press the power button and slowly drop onto the bed when a black cloud rolls down the ceiling, spinning and whirling before me.

Unsure of what to do, or if this shit will eat me like the flame wanted to burn me but couldn’t, I simply stare at it.

After a moment, it sparks, making me jump.

I hold still, and it does it again.

Confused, I shake my head. “Look, not sure what to do here…and I’m talking to a ball of smoke.” I run my hand over my face. I’m fucking losing it. “Where the hell is Knight?” I groan.

Suddenly, the smoke spreads out, thinning until it’s nearly translucent, and then there he is.

Knight’s sharp jaw stares back at me, his eyes pointed and hard, face set with a death glare—his usual expression.

He’s bouncing slightly, and my brows pull, realizing he’s walking, the soft click of heels heard in the distance.

Oh my shit, the smoke listened to me.

Afraid to spook, well, one of us…assuming it’s a living thing, I slowly ease my legs up, folding beneath me. Might as well test this baby out.

“Show me all of Knight.”

Like adjusting the lens on a camera, the image zooms out, revealing Knight and Sinner walking side-by-side in matching, dapper solid black suits, their expressions matching and eyes brilliantly blue against the raven shade. Legend and Creed are beside them, and as the smoky screen moves farther away, his mother, and who is without a doubt his father, appear.

A black crown sits atop his mother’s head, her long black hair silky straight down her back, lips painted a deep blood-red as she stares straight ahead, black fingernails as sharp as diamonds.

Behind them, another portal opens as a few girls step through, each in full glam with stilettos and dresses I couldn’t afford if I saved every penny over my entire lifetime.

My eyes snap left as the girl grows closer, and instantly a frown pulls.

Alex sashays forward, planting her hand on Knight’s arm.

I wait for him to shove her off, but he doesn’t. He swings his arm over, wrapping it around her back and using it to guide her forward.

Heat crawls up my spine, tension settling behind my ribs as he leans toward her, whispering in her ear.

“Silence,” he demands.

My lip curls when she looks up at him with hungry eyes, using her finger to pretend to zip her lips.

They descend several stairs, the giant room seeming to shift and spin with each step they take, making it hard for me to find anything that might clue me in to where they are. This is live, right? Like, I’m watching him right now? Not some old film that’s tricking me because my mind is a fragile being at the moment?

“Where is she?” Alex asks then, and I sit up straighter.

Okay, live it is.

“What part of silence do you not understand?” he deadpans.

“Maybe if my mouth had something else to do, I wouldn’t be speaking.”

My jaw drops. “Brazen little bitch.” Irritation itches along my skin and I fling my hand out, sick of her, and…holy shit. The image moves.

It shifts until Legend and Creed are in view, a girl our age at each of their sides as well, and then there’s Silver. He stands beside an older man who must be his father, with Knight at his side.


