Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

He licks and sucks and flicks me with his tongue, the kiss more playful than intense, but it’s still so good, a vast contrast to yesterday’s. When he starts circling my clit with his thumb, my legs turn to jelly. My head turns, as Legend offers me the space in his giant neck, so I bury my face, moaning into him as my orgasm crests, and just before it ripples through me, Knight yanks himself away abruptly.

I jerk, trying to look his way at the sound of Knight’s breathless chuckle, but Legend’s hand comes up, holding my head where it is. Exactly two seconds later, I’m torn from him altogether, dragged onto wobbly legs. The air is forced from my lungs when I’m slammed into the side of the house. I barely have time to register Knight’s deep sneer before his mouth is crushing against mine, his fingers jamming into my pussy with vicious intent and harsh strokes. He’s ruthless and relentless and it’s fucking perfect.

I don’t know what just happened there, but it needs to happen again because this is what I want.

No, this is what I fucking need.

His rough touch is a complete contrast to what he was serving me moments before, yet somehow, it’s as though it was created just for me. His kiss is demanding as his tongue takes mine like it owns it. I think he might.

So close, my body burns as my orgasm tears through me, sparking every nerve and stealing my vision. The party turns into a smudge of color as my heart pounds so hard in my chest my ribs rattle.

He slows his kiss, dragging his tongue over the edge of my lips. It’s intoxicating. I’m like a greedy bitch taking everything he’s giving me. I want this. Every single fucking night. Suddenly, a sharp pain sears through me and I jerk my head away with a low shriek.

My fingers fly to my lips, coming up with drops of blood. “You bit—”

My words die in my throat when an animalistic sound tears from deep within his chest and my fingers disappear between his lips.

My toes curl in my pumps, my body quaking all over again, and then his eyes flash up to mine and my lungs cease.

His eyes…. the blue is gone. Not a hint of it is left. No, they shine a stark, crystally white, and as he releases me, he bares his teeth, pressing firmer into my body. It’s fucking terrifying and beautiful and so strange I can’t look away.

He dips, swiftly lifting me from the ground and my legs wrap around him.

He opens his mouth to speak, but a deafening explosion tears through the air so loud my ears bleed.

Knight blinks, and the sharpened teeth and all white orbs are gone.

Anger washes over his face and he drops me where we stand as flames burn high into the dark sky and people begin to rush away.

Knight doesn’t spare me another glance, taking off in the same direction. As soon as he’s gone, I feel the absence of his touch. He’s like a toxic concoction of every poison created, and I’m pretty sure I’d shoot that shit back happily. Straight into my fucking veins.

I want to be pissy that he’s run off again, this time more annoying than the last because I let him have me. Not completely, but more than I’d given him the last time.

But I got what I wanted, the proof dripping down my thighs as we speak.

So fuck it. For the first time in my life, I feel slightly satisfied, and from nothing but three strong fingers working me into mush.

And because of that, I call tonight a win.



I shove through the doors that lead to the backyard, agitation set deep in my bones. Fucking Fae and their dramatic bullshit. This was for sure going to land on us because the council just loves having shit to blame on my brothers and me, even though the school has had issues for generations before we came along.

“Aye!” I press my fingers into my mouth and let out a loud whistle. “Get the fuck back!” Two larger set Faeries are facing each other, with a younger girl on the ground, bleeding glitter down her face. The music is still playing loudly in the background, but the smoke from the fire one of these idiots directed at the house is thickening the more time passes.

The Fae near the girl swipes at his face and I watch as the flesh on his cheek melts away slightly. “She said no.”

My head swings back to the other, who has longer blonde hair that curls around the nape of his neck. “Can one of you idiots tell me why I should give a fuck, and why the fuck you would risk ruffling the Ministry’s feathers?”


