False Start (The New York Nighthawks #8) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Sports, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The New York Nighthawks Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 26712 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 134(@200wpm)___ 107(@250wpm)___ 89(@300wpm)

The sound went straight to my dick, and I spurted even more of my seed inside her. “Are you ready for me to move?” I gritted out, my jaw clenched against the need to climax.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “That felt—oh, yes! Yes!”

Before she’d finished saying the first word, I’d pulled out a couple of inches and pushed back in. I was careful not to be too rough, experimenting to see if she was still in any pain. Her limbs wrapped around me, and she raised her hips, searching for more.

“You want more, Dakota?” I asked. “Do you want my cock filling your tight pussy?”

“Yesss,” she sibilated.

“Slow and gentle or fast and hard?” If she said slow, it would probably kill me, but I would do it.

“Don’t hold back,” she breathed as she bucked her pelvis. “Give it to me, Ames. Fuck me.”

Son of a bitch. Her words were like throwing gasoline on an already raging fire. I reached up and grabbed the headboard and dug my feet into the mattress as I began to speed up until I was pounding in and out of her like a man possessed.

“Oh fuck, Dakota! Fuck, yes! Shit! You’re so fucking tight!”

Her grip on my dick was like a vise, and I had to fight to get out of her, dragging along her walls before slamming back in.

“Ames! Ah, ah, ah, oh, yes! Yes! Yes!” Her cries were guttural, as if they were being torn from her chest, and it frayed the last bits of my control.

“Come, Dakota,” I commanded. “Take me deep, baby. Milk my cock. Oh, fuck yeah. Fuck! Yes, baby! Fuck! Fuck!”

Dakota’s pussy spasmed hard, gripping me so tight I practically saw stars. I felt the second she shattered, and it detonated my own explosion.

For a split second, it occurred to me that maybe I should pull out, but it was already past the point of no return and come jetted from my dick in thick, hot spurts. I continued to pump my hips as we spiraled, and I filled her with so much jizz that it leaked out between us. Beyond our grunts and groans, the sound of our slick skin smacking together only made me come even harder.

I nearly passed out from the intense pleasure, and when it finally began to ebb, I collapsed onto the bed, completely devoid of energy.

Dakota remained wrapped around me, and I worried about squishing her, but when I tried to roll off her, she hugged me even tighter. “No, don’t. I love this. Your weight on top of me makes me feel…dainty. And safe. And cared for.”

My head had been buried in her neck, but at her words, I raised it and gave her a tender smile. “You are all of those things to me, baby.”

“Don’t say stuff like that unless you want me to cry right after we have sex,” she warned with a teasing smile…but I didn’t miss the momentary glistening of her eyes.

I kissed her softly and rolled onto my back, keeping her body cuddled in my arms and my dick buried deep inside her. “Rest, baby. I know I should leave you alone the rest of the night, but I’d be lying if I said I was going to.”

She slept for about an hour until my cock couldn’t handle being inside her hot pussy without moving for another second. I rocked up into her, and she moaned, opening her eyes to stare at me with hooded eyes, blazing with passion.

“Were you dreaming about me fucking you, baby?” I purred with a grin.

A whimper fell from her kiss-swollen lips as she nodded.

I pushed her up into a sitting position and cupped her tits, rubbing my thumbs over her sensitive peaks. “Take what you want, baby. Ride me.”

She moved a little awkwardly at first since she’d never done this before. Her innocence was as much of a turn-on as the wildcat that emerged when she figured out what she liked.

Afterward, we both passed out, completely exhausted. But that didn’t stop my greedy body from taking her twice more during the night.

As I fell asleep with her plastered to my front, and one of her legs thrown over mine, I felt her leaking come onto my thigh. To my surprise, I didn’t feel guilt or worry that I’d fucked her bare. I felt bone-deep male satisfaction instead.



Waking up with Ames wrapped around me was almost as good as the orgasms he’d given me last night. Not wanting the feeling to end, I held still as my eyes drifted open. My lips curved into a grin as I blinked up at the wall of windows with an incredible view of the city. I’d asked Ames to open the blinds as we’d cuddled after our last round of sex because I wanted to stare out at the city we both loved while I fell asleep again.


