Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

I smooth my hand over her hair. “You never have to do that again. Not for anyone. Not even me.”

She lifts her head to look at me, her brown eyes soft and wide. “It wasn’t the same. With you, I wanted to.”

The alcohol loosens her tongue, but it also makes her speak the truth. A foreign feeling crushes my chest. Gratitude. It’s the first time in my life I feel gratitude toward anyone.

Not knowing what to do with the emotion, I rock her in my arms until she drifts off. For a long time I hold her, until Marie is about to arrive. Easing her limp body down on the mattress, I cover her with the duvet and put Oscar on the bed to keep her company. I go straight to my study to call my PI. I prefer to conduct sensitive calls in a room swept for bugs every day.

Anton answers on the first ring. “Gabriel,” he says jovially, “what can I do for you?”

“I need a detailed report on the financial activity of Valentina Haynes and anything you can get on her history.”

“Marvin Haynes’ daughter?”

“The one and only.”

“I’m on it. By when do you need it?”


“I don’t know why I still ask.”

I’m about to head for a shower when Rhett returns.

“The flat was broken into,” he says. “I spoke to the agent Valentina met there. Apparently, the place was turned upside down.”

Why the fuck would someone burglar her place when it’s under our protection? It’s a stupid act only an idiot on a suicide mission would risk.

“Any leads?” I ask tightly.

“No. Must be a random break-in, maybe a thief who’s new to the neighborhood and doesn’t know shit about the hierarchy.”

True. There are thousands of murderers and thieves out there. Not everyone is familiar with the families or how we operate. Still, I smell a rat, and I don’t like it.

I give him a pat on the shoulder. “Get some rest.”

He’s been up with me all night. If the business meeting on Saturday hadn’t run overtime, I would’ve been home before Valentina left for the weekend. I was irritated for not being able to see her before she was off for two nights and a day. I tracked her via her phone to Orange Grove, and when she went back to Berea, we spent the night outside her flat, parked in a nearby street. I was lucky I checked the tracker when I did, or I wouldn’t have noticed she was on the move, being attacked in a dirty alley by that filthy Zambian. I didn’t expect her to leave that early. My bodyguards must think I’m crazy, but they’re wiser than to comment. I could’ve broken down her new door again and dragged her home to safety, but I want Valentina to have an illusion of freedom. Magda wants her to have hope, but I want her to be happy. Suddenly and inexplicably, it’s important to me.

* * *


It’s after noon when I wake with a start. Ice fills my veins when the memory of this morning floods my mind. Gabriel shot a man because of me. I know it’s not the first man he’s killed, and it won’t be the last, but I didn’t want to be responsible. If I’m to function today, I can’t think about it. Pushing the dark memory from my mind, I pull on a uniform and braid my hair.

Marie looks up when I enter the kitchen, her face pulled into a scowl. “Mr. Louw said you’re sick. Apparently, so is Carly. Must be a bug going through the house. I made the beds, but you better see to the laundry.”

I grab the washing basket and brush past her to fetch the dirty clothes from the bedrooms.

Before I reach Carly’s room, heated voices coming through the open door stop me in my tracks.

“Dad, come on, I’m old enough to go on a date.”

“Not with a boy I don’t know from Adam.”

“You want to know every boy who asks me out on a date? Jesus, Dad, they’re too scared of you to come to our house. I may as well become a nun now and get it over with.”

“Watch your tongue, young lady.”

“All the girls in my class are going with dates. It’s only a movie.”

“I said no.”

“I’ll look like an idiot if I go alone. Everyone will think I couldn’t get a date.”

“If that’s your only motivation for wanting to go with him, you’re not doing it for the right reason.”


“If it’s really such a big deal, I’ll get the Hills’ boy to go with you.”

“You’re mean and cruel! I don’t like Anthony Hill. I like Sebastian.”

“I don’t give a damn. I don’t trust a man I don’t know, and I don’t know Sebastian.”

“You’re ruining my life!” Carly storms from the room, her eyes brimming with tears. “I hate you!”


