Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“Keep still,” I hiss, “or I’ll accidently penetrate your asshole.”

Again, she goes slack, allowing me to find my release by grinding my cock up and down the crack of her welted ass. I find her breasts and hold her to me as I come, shooting my seed up her spine, the hotness of my release dripping down between our bodies. When there’s nothing left to give, I let go, stumbling back a step to look at her. She’s marked with the imprint of my belt, and my sperm running between her ass cheeks over her pussy and down her thighs. Intense satisfaction surges inside of me, overriding even the physical high of ejaculating on her skin. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen, and that fucking scares me.

Coming to my senses, I pull up my pants and unlock the cuffs around her ankles. I loosen the rope from the hook on the wall, releasing her arms. Valentina falls backward, but before she hits the floor, I catch her around the waist and use the same knife I used to cut off her clothes to cut through the rope around her wrists. She’s crying and shaking, her body limp in my arms. I use her nightgown to wipe her back and between her legs, getting rid of most of the semen, and then I pick her up in my arms and carry her to her room.

Placing her inside the bath, I run a cool shower and sponge her down. She doesn’t object to anything. Her pretty eyes are closed, but tears are leaking from under her long lashes, and I have to look away. I find them way too appealing. She’s like a ragdoll in my arms when I towel her dry, taking care not to press on the marks of my belt. They’ll be gone in a day, but she’ll hate me much longer. No marks will be left on her body, but not everyone carries their scars on the outside.

I put her to bed on her stomach, naked, and don’t pull the sheet over her. She’ll want nothing to touch her skin for a while. Going down on my knees between her legs, I make her come with my mouth until she begs me to stop. Through her begging, I wring one more orgasm from her before I’m satisfied. Then I get onto the bed next to her and pull her onto my chest so that she’s stretched out on top of me. I kiss her head and stroke her hair, holding her until her breathing takes on the even rhythm of sleep.

It’s after midnight. Magda will be home any minute. Valentina doesn’t wake up when I ease out from under her. Looking down at her slender back marred with red welts, I’m filled with the devastating affirmation that I can’t play with a perfect, new toy without breaking it.

* * *

I wait in my study for Magda to return. I prefer to relay tonight’s events to her myself, before she hears the news from Sylvia or Carly. I can still taste Valentina on my lips. Her arousal is a powerful aphrodisiac that twists my balls into rock hard knots and feeds my lust. There’s peace in knowing I own her pleasure and discord in not being able to take her. Until she’s no longer a virgin, I can’t bury my cock in her soft body, and I want nothing more than to train her to come with my dick until she gets wet from the mere sight of me. It takes everything I have not to go back to her room and fuck her raw. I drag my tongue over my bottom lip. Savoring Valentina’s womanly scent one last time, I pour a drink and down the liquor, drowning the perfume of her skin in alcohol.

Magda is pissed as hell when I give her a brief summary of how the night turned out. It’s when I assure her Valentina’s been punished, and she watches the video feed of Carly asking for a coconut cake that she calms.

“You have work with Carly,” she says. “That girl has issues.” “I know.” I rub my eyes.

“Do something about it, before it becomes a disaster we can’t fix.” She walks from my study without saying goodnight.

I touch the photo of Carly on my desk, having plenty of questions and no answers.

* * *


It feels like Gabriel took something from me. I knew he was dangerous, but I had no idea how dark he is. What Tiny did to me was almost more bearable, because it never turned me on. What Gabriel did to me last night made me wet, and that makes me sick. I, of all people, should be disgusted by the violence. It wasn’t the lashes on my back. It was the intense rhythm of the leather between my legs. I both resented and appreciated that he took care of me––both emotionally and sexually––afterward. It was something I needed desperately, and I hate myself for it.


