Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

He cooked for himself, the important part of that statement being for himself. His chef had prepared the meal they were about to eat.

When he turned around, Alena had slipped out of her shoes, leaving them by the door. Something about her wandering around his home barefoot made him want to scoop her up and kiss her. Not a pre-fucking kiss, but a kiss just to tell her, without words, how he felt.

She trailed her fingers over the backs of chairs, then drifted to the library area, where two reading chairs waited, surrounded by beautifully crafted bookshelves. Alexander walked over to join her, ducking his head to look at the cover of the book she’d plucked from the shelves and was currently reading.

It was a noir mystery book, written in English.

“Hardly worthy of this,” he said softly, gesturing to the shelves.

“There’s nothing wrong with reading for pleasure.” She closed the book and slid it back into its spot on the shelf. “You have a fancy library with books I doubt anyone ever reads downstairs. Why not focus on pleasure here?”

She leaned back, resting her shoulders against a shelf. Alexander braced his hands on either side of her, as he had that first night in the hallway.

“You are the pleasure I want tonight.”

“Are you planning to have your way with me before doing me the courtesy of feeding me dinner?” She pressed her hand over her heart in mock offense, her accent slow and thick.

Alexander grinned, feeling lighter than he had since breakfast. Since the last time he’d seen her.

“I will feed you, before I have my way with you.”

“Or maybe I’ll have my way with you.” She cocked her head to the side and frowned. “That’s what we agreed on right? You topped me last night, so tonight I get to be the Domme, and you’re the sub.”

Alexander froze.

Alena held the puzzled expression another few heartbeats then broke into a grin. “I wish I’d had a camera to capture that expression.”

“I was not amused.” He’d damn near had a heart attack.

“I was.” Alena ducked under his arm and padded across to the kitchen area in her bare feet. Her shawl slipped from her arms, landing on the floor.

When he’d called her the captured queen, she’d asked who that made him.

And now he couldn’t get the image of himself kneeling at the foot of her throne, his armor dented and dusty from battle, out of his head.

Alexander scooped up her pashmina, tossing it on the couch as he followed her to the kitchen.

Despite his brief protests, she helped him with dinner, popping the bread into the still warm oven as he added the finishing touches to the plates, opening and decanting the red wine, which he probably should have done before he went downstairs.

Ten minutes later they sat at one end of his heavy wood dining table enjoying seabass with Spargel. There was even some Schnitzel, which wasn’t an item Chef normally prepared from the list of acceptable foods a nutritionist had drafted. Schnitzel breaded and fried, unhealthy and delicious. His housekeeper must have told Chef his guest was an American.

Dessert was another traditional Viennese dish, Kaiserschmarrn, and discussions of food and wine dominated their conversation.

Alena ate sparingly, and drank only half a glass of red with dinner. When he opened a bottle of chilled sparkling wine for after dinner drinks, she gladly accepted.

He’d have to remember she wasn’t a red wine drinker for next time.

What next time?

“I managed to arrange a meeting,” Alena said after several sips. “I’m headed to Madrid tomorrow.”

Alexander stiffened. “What time?” He cleared his throat, realized that sounded accusatory. “My driver can take you to the airport.”


She’d need to be there at six, and it was already just after 20:30. “If you would prefer to go back downstairs and sleep…”

Alena set down her glass and rose. She stood next to his chair, waiting.

Alexander scooted out from the table and she sat on his lap, winding one arm around his shoulders. “I want to have my third night with you. But I may not have time to say goodbye in the morning. I’d like to get at least four hours of sleep, and I suspect to do that I’m going to need to sleep up until the last possible moment.” She leaned in, lips hovering near his cheek. “Are you going to keep me awake all night…Sir?”

Alexander ran his hand up her back, found the small tab of the zipper and pulled it down.

“I intend to do far more than merely keep you awake.”

Alexander lifted her off his lap. As she stood, the dress slithered down, catching briefly on her hips. He solved that with a simple tug. She wore a black strapless bra and solid black panties. Simple, everyday lingerie, but on her it was just as alluring as any fet wear could be.


