Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

Alexander snorted in amusement, and then he smiled. Oh that smile was bad, bad news.

He picked up the towel and unfolded it with a snap. Rather than looped terrycloth, this massive bath sheet was a Turkish-style weave. He draped it across his lap and chest.

Alexander’s gold-green eyes were focused on her face, pointedly not looking at her naked body. There was something old-fashioned about it—chivalrous. He wouldn’t look at her nakedness now that the scene was over.

“Let me hold you.”

Alena’s heart lurched in her chest, and her head shot up. She stared at him, unable to think past the knot of feelings that seemed to have scrambled her brain.

“If you would prefer not?” One brow went up, but she thought there was a bit of uncertainty in his eyes.

“I’d like that.” It wasn’t a lie.

Tentatively, Alena crawled onto his lap, twisting so that she minimized her ass’s contact with his hard legs. Her forehead fit perfectly against the side of his neck.

He wrapped the edges of the towel over her, enfolding her while his body heat warmed her side. She could feel his heartbeat in his neck where their skin touched. His heart was beating fast.

Because of her? Because he was holding her?

“I didn’t think you’d be a cuddler,” she murmured.

“Not always.”

“Uh oh, you’re reverting.”


“The quiet man. You talked to me during the scene, why not now?”

He inhaled, his chest rising and lifting her with it, then blew out a long, slow breath. “You were quiet towards the end. I think that is not your natural state.”

Alena huffed out a laugh. “No, it’s not. I wonder which one is the real us? Us now, or us in the middle of a scene?”

She used the term “us” deliberately, a psychological trick that would cause him to think of them together.

And she hated herself for the manipulation, however small it might be.

Get over it, you fool.

“You need water.” Alexander cracked the cap of a water bottle and offered it. She thrust one arm out from under the covering and took it. The moment it touched her lips she realized she was parched, and downed half of the large bottle in a matter of minutes.

He accepted the half empty bottle, but instead of capping it, he tipped it, pouring a bit of water onto a washcloth she hadn’t noticed.

“Give me your hand.”

Alexander wrapped his fingers around hers and with the other hand brought the damp towel to her wrist, gently wiping the flesh that had gotten sweaty from the cuffs.

Damn it, he was being so tender. Emotion tightened her throat as a slimy, sick feeling pooled in her stomach.

He carefully wiped the damp cloth over her palm and fingers, all the while cradling her elbow with his other hand.

The tender care made her throat tight with emotion. How could she manipulate him, lie to him, after he’d so tenderly cared for her?

He’s just a good Dom. Good Doms perform aftercare. That’s all this is.

Maybe when he wasn’t touching her, she’d be able to believe those words. She’d have to, because one way or another she was going to get what she needed from him.

“It’s been a long time since a scene, a partner, made me feel this good,” she murmured, and this at least, was true.

“Good?” He laughed softly, and it made his chest rumble against her back.

“Perverse thing that I am, I do consider sitting here on your lap with my ass on fire ‘good’.”

“When was the last time?”

“Too long ago, apparently.” Alena shifted, cuddling tighter against him. “But now…you woke the dragon.”


She sat up, pressing both hands against his chest as she twisted, bringing them face to face, so close their noses almost touched. “You go a long time without something—good sex, good wine, good food. You get used to it. Then you have it again, and that need that had fallen asleep—the dragon—wakes up. That’s when you realize you can’t have just one nice meal, one excellent bottle of wine, one night…” Alena let the word trail off and looked away.

“One night that reminds you why you need this,” he said softly. “And all it does is make you desperate for more.”

“Yes, the dragon is insatiable.” She’d hoped he’d laugh, but he remained serious.

“Tomorrow is the last night.”

“Do we…I mean since we…” Alena didn’t have to feign nervousness. She gave Alexander a moment to save her from her own stammering, but he, predictably if disappointingly, was silent.

“Do you want to scene with me again tomorrow night?” Her question hung in the air, heavy and expectant.

Alexander’s lips quirked and he nodded.

“And I want to amend my list.”

He frowned. “You shouldn’t decide now.”

“I know what I want, Alexander.” She used his name deliberately, to remind both of them that the scene was over.

“You do. You chased me.” He sounded bemused.

“Next time, don’t run away.”


