Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“Good girl,” he said with approval. “Don’t try to bite me again, or I’ll find a better use for your pretty mouth.”

I sucked in a small gasp. He couldn’t mean… I’d never… I didn’t want…

His touch shifted, his hand leaving my throat so he could stroke his fingertips down the column of my neck. “Breathe,” he coaxed. “You spook very easily, cosita. But you will learn to crave me. All of me. My hand, my mouth, my cock. You will accept me.”

“I won’t,” I forced out on a whisper.

He frowned and opened his mouth to say something else that was probably equally terrifying. But a knock on the bedroom door interrupted whatever he was going to say. A masculine voice penetrated the door, speaking in rapid-fire Spanish. Andrés barked something back that I couldn’t understand.

Then his gaze fixed on me again. “I have business to attend to,” he told me. “We will work on this later.”

Work on this. Not talk about this. Whatever Andrés’ plan for me entailed, it didn’t involve my consent.

Chapter 4

He stared down at me, considering. I barely breathed. If I did, I’d inhale his purely masculine, purely intimidating scent. As well as the smell of my own confusing arousal. I didn’t understand why my body was reacting to his harsh treatment in this twisted way. Maybe it was a defense mechanism, an instinctive response designed to prevent damage to my sex if he did decide to take me against my will.

But that didn’t explain the strange tingling in my flesh, the way the blood pumped faster through my veins as I waited for his next move.

He blew out a sigh. “I need to get dressed,” he told me. “Can I trust you not to try to attack me again once my back is turned?”

I scowled at him, lifting my chin in defiance. I’d never stop trying to get away from him, even if I knew that physically besting him was next to impossible. I’d had a slim chance with my puny weapon, and now the delicate razorblade lay useless on the carpet.

But I wasn’t about to admit meekly that I’d be a good girl and stop trying to fight my way free.

His full lips twisted in a slight frown, dragging his scar down in a fearsome slash across his face. I dimly noted that he would be handsome, otherwise. Beautiful, even. His stubble-covered square jaw was strong and masculine, his cheekbones high and defined. Heavy dark brows drew together over his onyx eyes, and his black hair curled softly to frame his rugged features.

But the scar that marred his cheek… It was difficult to look at; vicious and violent.

Instinct urged my gaze to flit around the room in its familiar anxious pattern. But his eyes. I couldn’t look away. His pupils were dilated, fixed on me. A slender ring of rich chocolate brown surrounded them, nearly swallowed by the darkness of his stare.

A light shiver raced across my skin, but I remained locked in his steady gaze.

His frown eased, one corner of his lips ticking up in a perverse smile. In a shockingly tender gesture, he tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “So frightened, but so defiant. I’m going to have to restrain you, aren’t I?”

I jerked against his hold, but his grip remained iron around my wrists. “No.”

“So you won’t try to attack me as soon as I release you?” he asked, the twist of his smile letting me know the question was purely rhetorical.

I struggled again, and a frustrated noise that sounded a little like a growl slipped between my teeth. He laughed; a low, rumbling chuckle of dark amusement.

“Such an angry gatita. Maybe I should keep you in cage. Would that tame you?”

“I don’t need to be tamed,” I shot back, my anger bleeding over fear. “I told you the truth. I’m a federal agent. You said you believe me. If you do, then you know you can’t risk hurting me. My friends at the Bureau won’t stop looking for me, and if you’ve…” I couldn’t bring myself to say raped me. “If you’ve hurt me when they find me, they won’t show you any mercy. You have to let me go.”

His frown returned. “That’s up to my brother to decide. Until he does, you’re mine.” His fingers tightened around my wrists as he made the perverse declaration.

“You keep saying that,” I hissed out. “You’re fucking crazy, you know that, right? You’re—”

My next insult didn’t make it past my lips. He pressed his hand firmly against my mouth, his frown twisting with disapproval.

“You will learn to mind your language when you’re speaking to me,” he said coolly. “I need to get dressed, and you need to be quiet and behave while I’m gone. How comfortable you are while I’m out attending to my business is up to you. I can gag you and cage you, or I can leave you free to move around the suite. Make your choice.”


