Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“Oh, my whole family will be there. Show off what you like, but I don’t care about being fancy—I just want you and the people I love around.” Diego made good money here, and had been saving instead of blowing it like a lot of his friends, but it wouldn’t last forever where we were going. California was expensive, and Diego would struggle to find work without experience. I wanted to make sure he knew I didn’t need money to be happy. I cupped his cheek, impatient to feel his lips on mine again. “We can throw a party that would blow all other weddings away if that’s what you want, but all I need is you.”

He leaned into my palm. “If I could, I’d make you mine tomorrow.”

Excitement fluttered in my tummy. I’d pictured our nuptials many times. Whether the affair was big or small, blessed by my father or forbidden, the core of it remained the same. Diego was my soul mate. He’d seen me through the dark months after my mother’s death, checking on me whenever he could get away from the ranch, making sure I’d slept and eaten and gotten fresh air when I’d only wanted to give up. It wasn’t hard to conjure the image of promising to care for him too in sickness and in health.

But would my father be there to walk me down the aisle?

Papá was a fair and decent man, but he’d been ruthless once. He didn’t value anyone’s innocence but mine. He’d tried to awaken more in Diego, to turn him into the killer his brother was, but Diego remained pure. A peaceful soul trapped in a fight for survival. He wasn’t made for this world, but there was no way out—except, maybe, through me.

Diego frowned. “I should go check on things at home before anyone notices my absence.”

I sighed, but sulking wouldn’t change anything. “When will I see you next?”

“I wish I knew. I have to show my face at the costume party and do some networking. Then this weekend, I’m trapped at the house to oversee some things.”

“I’ve still never seen your place,” I hinted. Diego had told me enough about it over the phone that I could picture it clearly. “What if I come over?”

Diego rose from the windowsill and lifted my chin with his knuckle. “You know I’d love that if it wasn’t too dangerous. It’s a hub. Men come and go from my house all day. And if I know your dad, he’ll have security detail on you the next two weeks. They’d never let you come over, and you can’t be there without them.”

“But you’ll be there.” Everyone loved to remind me how dangerous this life was as if I didn’t know. And though staying in the dark felt safer, I also knew ignorance could expose me to danger.

“I’ll be preoccupied, though,” he said.

“Then what about the party?” I asked. “I promised my dad I wouldn’t show up, but if you think about it, isn’t it really the safest place to be? With all the important people in attendance, there’ll be a guard every meter.”

“He’s not keeping you from the ballroom for safety reasons, Natalia Lourdes.” Diego only used my full name when he was serious. “His parties are a cesspool.”

“They’re attended by the highest government officials in the country.”

“My point exactly. Those people are deadlier, greedier, and more corrupt than anyone. They’ve ruined countless lives and families without ever dirtying their hands.” He thumbed my bottom lip. “Promise me you’ll stay home. I have no doubt you’ve already mapped a route inside.”

“I don’t care about the party. I have no interest in what goes on there.” That wasn’t entirely true, but the only thing stronger than my curiosity was my desire to disassociate myself from this life. Then again, what trumped all of that—was Diego. “I don’t have much time here,” I said. “I only want to spend it with you.”

“I want that too, princesa, but not if it puts you at risk.” He glanced over my head, then pecked the bridge of my nose. “I’ll see if I can steal away for a kiss after the party, all right?”

“You expect me to sit home and wait on the small chance you’ll be able to meet me?”

“No, my angel straight from heaven. My Aphrodite incarnate. I don’t expect it, but I hope for it.” He took me in his arms and brushed his lips over my cheek, then the corner of my mouth. “Promise me you’ll stay home,” he said in my ear, “and in exchange, I’ll tell you a secret.”

I was getting exactly what I wanted—a clear divide between myself and this life. But I wasn’t getting what I needed—Diego. Maybe the party was wild, but it would also be safe. Security would be tight. If I found the right costume, nobody would even recognize me. “I’ll stay home,” I said. It wasn’t exactly a lie—the ballroom was on our property. “What’s the secret?”


