Falling for the Backup – Nashville Assassins Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Novella, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33920 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 170(@200wpm)___ 136(@250wpm)___ 113(@300wpm)

Jordan didn’t know why it mattered so much to have Tully and Bowie’s approval, but it did, and his promise wasn’t an empty one.

Aynslee rushed down the aisle of First Niagara Center toward Jordan’s position on the ice. She was late because she’d spent so much time making her sign and then she still had to hit up scalpers outside the arena for a ticket. She managed to get a decent seat, but she knew she’d be out of Jordan’s range of sight, and she wanted him to see her sign.

The Assassins were slamming pucks at him as they warmed up, and she had no clue how to get his attention. Holding the sign up against the glass, she pointed at him before pointing at the sign, hoping one of the guys would notice her. After what seemed like forever, someone finally spotted her. Jordan turned, and, even through the mask, she could see his smile. He lifted his face mask and she watched as he read the sign that said:

* * *

Surprise! Good luck. You’ll be great. I’m so proud of you. Meet me at dad’s pub afterward.

* * *

It was a little girly, but he seemed to like it and nodded his head before waving at her.

She waved back and blew him a kiss. Then he dropped his face mask and turned around, waiting to block the pucks on goal. Satisfied that he’d read her sign, she decided to stay where she was and watch him warm up, but then someone tapped her on the shoulder.

Turning and looking up into the face of an older man, she smiled as she asked, “Am I in your way?”

“No, ma’am, I just wanted to read your sign.” She held it up, grinning at him as he read it.

“He didn’t know I was coming. I flew in from Nashville on a red-eye. I wanted to make sure I was here for the first game he’s played since we’ve been together,” she said, and then she wanted to smack herself. She talked way too damn much.

The older man nodded as he said, “You are a wonderful girlfriend. What’s your name?” “Aynslee Shaw,” she said, holding out her hand.

He took it and smiled as he said, “I’m Bill Ryan.”

Oh, fuck, she thought, her stomach dropping. “Jordan’s dad.” “Yes, and I’ve heard great things about you, young lady.”

“Wow, thank you. Jordan talks about you and Mrs. Ryan all the time.” Bill asked, “Where are you sitting?”

“In the three hundreds. I had to buy it from a scalper.”

Bill nodded as he pointed to a seat at the glass, beside an older couple.

“My friend offered me this seat. I came down here to thank him, but I’m going back up in the stands to sit with my wife. How about you sit here and we’ll meet with you later?”

Aynslee nodded quickly as she said, “Yes, that would be great. If you are absolutely sure? Thank you.”

“No problem, honey. I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting to know you very well in the near future.”

“Bye,” she said, as she watched him greet his friend. When he flashed her a grin, it immediately reminded her of Jordan’s. She returned the smile as he turned to walk up the aisle. All but bouncing into the seat he’d given her, she looked out at the ice and grinned. She was so excited to be here.

“Hey, you’re Jordan’s girlfriend—Aynslee? Am I saying that right?”

Aynslee nodded at the older gentleman, accepting his outstretched hand. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

“Sean Rogers. This is my wife, Mallory.”

“Hi,” Aynslee said, shaking Mallory’s hand too. The three made small talk, but it stopped once the game started. Aynslee was on the edge of her seat as she watched her amazing boyfriend kick ass in goal. He was making saves left and right, pushing people out of his crease, and being fucking awesome. It was fantastic. When the first period was over, the score was 2–0, Assassins. Aynslee leaned back in her seat, releasing a sigh of relief.

“What do you think of Jordan’s performance so far?” Aynslee glanced over at Sean and smiled. “He’s doing great.” “I agree.”

“Have you seen him play before?” Aynslee asked.

“I have,” Sean said with a nod. “But I wanted to know what you thought.”

Aynslee looked into the older man’s brown eyes. “I don’t know much about hockey, and this is my first time watching him in person, but I’ve seen the YouTube videos and he is amazing. He has this fire inside him to be the best.”

Sean nodded, a grin playing on his face as he said, “But his injury has altered him a bit.” “True, but he has learned to adapt. The Assassins are crazy for not playing him all the

time. He’s resilient, you know, and he can only get better with every game he plays. I’ve never in my life been so proud of someone.”


