Fall Read Online Kristen Callihan (VIP #3)

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: VIP Series by Kristen Callihan

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 144042 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 720(@200wpm)___ 576(@250wpm)___ 480(@300wpm)

“Hey,” he says softly, cutting into my racing thoughts. When I meet his gaze, he cups my cheeks and leans in. His kiss is slow and easy but tinged with heat, as though he’s pacing himself and enjoying the twist of anticipation.

We’ve been eating burgers and fries, but I don’t taste that; I taste him, like honey on my tongue. He’s the best damn kisser I’ve ever met—a little greedy, a little dirty, and all of it sweet. He cups my cheeks like I’m utterly breakable. He moves his mouth over mine like I’m the best thing he’s ever felt.

When he pulls away, I’m light-headed with want. “What was that for?”

“Because I can.” A kiss. “Because your mouth drives me mad.” Another kiss. “Because you’re so damn pretty, I can’t stop myself.” He pulls back to meet my eyes. The rough edge of his thumb glides along the curve of my jaw. “Take your pick. They’re all true.”

“You’re really good at this wooing thing, you know that?”

He touches the corner of my mouth like he can’t help himself. “I didn’t. But it’s good to hear.”

We’re facing each other, my knees tucked between the V of his thighs. And he hasn’t stopped touching me. Little caresses along my neck and shoulders, a gentle tug of my hair. Such simple touches. I feel each one in my heart, between my thighs. It’s never been like this for me. I don’t get giddy. I don’t get attached. I don’t fall.

I’m doing all of those things with alarming speed. Over a guy who is just as ignorant of love as I am. John leans in and nips my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine. All my silent worries fly out the door. It feels too good being here with him to protest.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” he asks, his brows rising in expectation.

“Nope. Not until it’s obvious.”

He pouts a little but then moves to pay the check. “The anticipation is surprisingly fun.”


John does a double take as he realizes how his words could be interpreted and a cheeky grin spreads over his mouth. He’s about to answer me when a young guy walks up to him, gait hesitant but shoulders set.

“Hey …” The guy halts, clears his throat, and tries again. “You’re … ah … You’re Jax Blackwood, aren’t you?”

John sits up straighter on his stool but adopts an easy expression. “I am.”

The guy’s shoulders relax, then tense again. His gaze darts between me and John. “I … ah … wanted to thank you …” A violent blush hits his cheeks, and he glances at me.

I slip from my stool. “Excuse me, boys, but nature calls.”

I don’t know if John is grateful for my exit or if he’ll be annoyed when I get back. But I know he can handle himself and anyone can see that the guy desperately wants to talk to him alone.

I take as much time as I can without it appearing that I’m having some sort of issue. When I get back, they’re still talking, John leaning in to tell the guy something. He sets a hand on the guy’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze as the younger man nods, his expression tight with emotion.

I order a couple of brownies to go and return in time to take their picture with the guy’s phone.

“Take care, man,” John tells him with a final clasp to his shoulder.

The guy gives me a shy smile before ambling off, his step lighter. As for John, his mood is quiet as he takes my hand and leads me out of the diner and to his bike.

“You okay?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” But he simply holds my helmet in his hands, his expression distant.

“You can talk to me, you know,” I say softly.

He takes a breath. When he meets my eyes, his are overly bright. “He was going to do it. You know?”

My insides swoop and everything goes very still. “Yes.”

John bites his bottom lip and looks off. “But then I tried. And he didn’t.”

The faint hum of the highway cuts the silence between us. I lick my dry lips. “What do you mean?”

John runs a hand through his hair and squeezes the back of his neck. “He plays guitar. I’m his idol. And when I tried, it gutted him. But he said it also comforted him.” John gives me a wry, almost confused look. “The great Jax Blackwood felt the same way he did, and he no longer felt alone. He got help.”

John swallows hard and grips the helmet. When he says no more, I step closer and rest my hand on his arm. His voice is a thread. “I never thought …” He shakes his head, and his eyes go dark with emotion. “I never considered them. The fans. That I could help them.”


