Fall Read Online Kristen Callihan (VIP #3)

Categories Genre: New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: VIP Series by Kristen Callihan

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 144042 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 720(@200wpm)___ 576(@250wpm)___ 480(@300wpm)

“You’re right,” she says in a small voice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think—”

“I didn’t mean my issues.” I husk out a short laugh. “Though I admit, I have my share. But that’s the thing. All the people I know in my profession have shit they need to work on. One form of success doesn’t guarantee other forms, you know?”

She turns her face into the crook of my shoulder. “Yes. Because this part of my life? Right now? Freaking awesome.”

“I’m feeling pretty good right now,” I agree. Especially when Stella slides her bare thigh over mine. A thought races into my deviant mind: what if she isn’t wearing panties? Like that, my hand starts drifting south, sliding down the gentle slope of her back, seeking the soft curve of her ass. Because I have to know. I have to know.

Stella moves into my touch, delicately arching that sweet arse of hers toward my hand. Good girl, Stella is. The best girl. She’s a juicy handful, and I give her a soft, appreciative squeeze as my fingertip traces the line of her panties.


Her panties are soft cotton, which somehow turns me on more than if I’d found her bare or in silk. I can’t see them, but in my mind those little panties are pale pink with a big red heart front and center. It gets me so hot, my entire body clenches tight.

She feels it. I know she does because she’s turning further toward me, her breasts pushing against my ribs. “You’re copping a feel, mister.”

“Can’t help it. If you’re within touching distance, I will get handsy.” Tight with anticipation, I turn onto my side, sliding down a little until we’re face to face. And the fucking sofa-bed from hell screeches in protest. This time, we both freeze, staring at each other with wide eyes as the seconds eek by.

An impish smile plays over her lips. “I never snuck around with a boy as a teen, but I kind of feel like I’m doing that right now.”

Truth is, while I don’t relish the idea of getting caught by Hank, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But pretending it would be, sneaking around with Stella like we’re a pair of naughty teens, is surprisingly fun. I’ve never had to fear getting caught. I had no idea how it could make every touch, every breath, mean more. How fucking hot it could get me.

With the tip of my finger, I ease back a lock of hair that’s fallen over her cheek. “I think we were missing out.”

Her eyes light up, and I know she wants to play. That gets me even hotter.

“We’ll have to make up for that.” She strokes the line of my neck, light and drifting like she doesn’t have a destination in mind but just wants to touch. “I mean, this isn’t my parents’ house. But it could be. If Hank walked in and found me here—”

My mouth is on hers, relearning the plush, sweet swell of her bottom lip, taking a little sip of her upper lip. I don’t remember moving, or even deciding to kiss her. But I don’t stop. I kiss her softly, loving the way it makes her shiver. I kiss her cheek, the curve of her jaw. My hand cups the back of her head as I kiss her neck and then find her mouth again.

Her fingers comb through my hair, massaging my scalp. It feels so good, so damn good. I rest my forehead against hers as I toy with the collar of her shirt. “Will you be grounded if we’re caught, Button?”

“Maybe,” she whispers, arching her back just enough to lift her tits up.

She’s wearing an old Knicks T-shirt. Slowly, I trace the “K” and graze the stiff tip of her nipple. Stella’s breath catches. I run my finger back up, teasing. But it teases me too, and I have to bite my lip to keep from groaning, from dropping the game and just taking her.

“You’re so pretty here.” My knuckles caress the curve of her breast. “Can I see you bare, sweet Stells? Will you give me a peek?”

I’ve seen her breasts before. I’ve had my hands on them, my mouth on them. Fucking heaven. But here in the dark, in this house that isn’t mine or hers, it’s different. It’s a simple thrill that gets to me more than any full-on sex I’ve ever had.

I don’t know what it does for Stella, but she makes a little noise, her body shifting on the bed like she’s struggling to keep herself still. Her voice is breathy and innocent as if she’s unsure. “Just a peek?”

Damn, she knows how to play. My dick is so hard, it hurts. “I won’t put a hand on you, I swear.” And I won’t. If I touch her now, it’ll be game over. “Give me a little look at those pretty tits, honey.”


