Fake Fiancee Read Online Books by Ilsa Madden-Mills

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 72542 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

Felix’s bulky frame stepped in my way as I walked in the doors of the locker room.

“What?” I snapped.

Everyone around us froze, eyes darting as we faced off.

He had these weird eyes—almost navy colored—with a line of white around the pupil. “Just wanted to congratulate you, man. Fans are gonna love that. Smart.”

My hands clenched, itching. I didn’t trust him. I moved past him to my locker.

“I can’t wait to meet her at your party tonight.”

I turned around slowly. “Party?”

He worked on getting his pads off. “Dude. Your girl is already planning your life for you and you don’t even know it. Your engagement party. Sunny invited the team and whoever else. It’s all over Instagram.”

Several of the other players agreed, and I nodded, pretending to go along. Sure. Yeah. Party at my house.

Not a good idea.

Not when I knew damn well she was angry.

I showered, changed back into my dress clothes, and went with Coach and some of the other first string to hold a small press conference, something we did after each home game.

Coach grabbed my elbow right before we walked out to take our seats. “Be in my office Monday morning, Kent. We have some harsh topics to discuss.”

“Yes, sir.” I nodded. I’d never in my entire life disobeyed an order from the coach, and he expressly said no when I’d told him I wanted to propose to Sunny at the game.

We took our seats at the table, the school mascot and banner behind us as a backdrop. Lights flashed, reporters popped off questions, and Coach went through them, calling on myself, Tate, and a couple of other first string players to chime in.

An hour later, it was over and Tate and I headed home in his Tundra. Because of all the cars, we were forced to park on a street several houses away from ours. I clenched my teeth and prayed no one called the cops on us.

Sunny had parked my Land Cruiser in the middle of our yard at a crazy angle, the tires mired up in grass and dirt.

We entered the house, and people congratulated us for the win and me for the engagement. Across the staircase, someone had made a hastily scrawled banner with Congrats on Your Engagement, Max and Sunny.

I looked around everywhere inside, but no Sunny.

I headed out the back door and made my way through back slaps and fist bumps. Keeping my face cool, my eyes scoured the groups of people congregated around the pool.

I saw Bart—what the hell was he doing here? He sent me a dirty look as he talked to a couple of the players. I sized him up, trying to see what she’d seen in him. He was handsome in a poster boy kind of way. Clean-cut. Well dressed. Focused on his goals.

But . . .

All I could see in my head was him being Sunny’s first, and then breaking her heart.

He strode toward me, carrying a beer. A petite brunette trailed behind him and he said something to her, causing her to stop following him.

It hadn’t taken him long to find someone else, but no way did she measure up to Sunny.

He came to a stop in front of me. His eyes swept over me and his lips compressed. “I don’t see what Sunny sees in you. You’re an arrogant sonofabitch who thinks he’s better than anyone else.”

I stiffened, my fists tightening, adrenaline still high from the game. “What do you want?”

He sucked down a drink and glared at me. “Sunny.” And then he walked away.

I swallowed, itching to chase after him and hash it out—but why? She wasn’t mine. And I couldn’t get into any fights. It would ruin everything. I shook myself off, willing myself to cool down and let go of the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

My eyes landed on long blond hair. Finally.

She sat with Ryn and the dark-haired girl from the stadium at a patio table near the fence. Thank fuck. I was beginning to think the entire party was payback and she wasn’t even going to show.

I made my way over to them, weaving in and out of the crowd.

I halted as she tossed back amber liquid from a shot glass. Tequila?


I barreled and elbowed my way through the thick crowd, done being nice to everyone.

“Hey. I found you. You having a good time?” My hand caressed her bare shoulder, but when she stiffened, I let it fall.

She held another shot up in my general direction and tossed it back. Her eyes said, Bite me.

“Do you mind if I sit by my fiancée?” I said to Ryn, my face tight.

Ryn held his hands up like sorry to be in your way and stood. “Got no clue what’s going on. I just sat down to help pour the drinks.” He slapped me on the back and leaned down to whisper. “She’s had quite a few, friend. Just so you know.”


