Fable of Happiness (Fable #3) Read Online Pepper Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Fable Series by Pepper Winters

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 134741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)


His fingers looped with mine as his breath caught. “Fuck, I’m going to come.”

“Then come.”

He drove me against the couch arm, providing friction for my clit. “You first.”

I panted as he rode me even harder. “Come, Gem. Come like you love me, like you hate me. Come like you’re the only master I’ll ever obey from now on.” His voice slipped into my ear, raw and thick. “Come knowing you’re the only one for me.”

His words were as provocative as his cock, sending me spiraling into an orgasmic vortex. I screamed as my release banded outward with shockwaves, over and over again.

Kas roared as he followed me, pinning me to the couch, filling me with every groan-wrenching spurt.

He jerked for a few seconds afterward.

Flopping over me, he kissed my shoulder, breathing hard. “If the whole purpose of seducing me was to ensure I didn’t flip out and kill anyone tonight, I’m grateful that you care so much, but...you don’t have to worry.” He kissed me again, his cock still throbbing inside me.

I turned my head on the couch cushion, staring at him over my shoulder. “I’m not worried.”

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. “Liar.” Withdrawing with a wince, he helped me stand, watching the bead of his release trickle down my thigh. “I took a pill. I’ve avoided taking this particular one as my therapist said they’re rather strong, and instead of helping PTSD triggers, it just masks everything—in his words, it hinders instead of helps.” He shrugged, grabbing a tissue from the box on the coffee table and carefully wiping up the mess he’d painted me with. “But I know I’ll need some extra help tonight and don’t want to embarrass you.”

His touch was infinitely gentle after how hard he’d taken me.

“You’d never embarrass me, Kas.”

He gave me a lopsided smile. “Okay then, I don’t want to embarrass myself. Just in case Jareth has been able to rescue any of our family and they’re watching. I don’t want them to know how bad I became after they left. I’m still the older brother, after all.”

“They’ll still love you, regardless of how tonight goes.”

Wadding the wet tissue into his palm, he kissed my lips. “I’ll be okay, Gem. The pill is in my system, you’ve given me a pleasure high that’s made me ready for a nap instead of a night out, and the best of all, I know that if I’m not coping, we’re free to leave whenever we want and come back here...alone.”

I nodded and slung my arms around his neck, shivering at the silkiness of his tux against my bare breasts. “You say the word, and we leave.”

He smirked. “What’s the word?”

I shrugged, searching for one that would work. “Bathtub?”

“I forgot the last bath we shared. Who’s to say I won’t forget that.”

“Okay then...freedom?” I kissed him. “Whisper freedom and we slink out immediately.”

He kissed me back just as someone knocked on the front door, bringing reality firmly back into our sex-hazy lives. “Limo for Ms. Ashford?”

“Shit.” Kas let me go. Shadows returned to his eyes, but he pulled up his boxers, zipped up his pants, and ran his hands through his hair. “I guess it’s time.”

“Tell the driver to wait. I’ll just shoot to the bathroom.”

Kas headed to my dress strewn on the floor, bringing it to me. “Better put this back on. As much as I like you naked, I can’t say I’d behave if other people saw you this way.”

“Now who’s being possessive?” I winked, trying to ignore my winging heartbeat and rapidly building worry about tonight.

Kas walked into me, palming my breast before dropping his hand to cup my pussy. With a raspy, heady whisper, he murmured, “I’ve never had anything of my own before. Never had a favorite toy or a loyal pet, so you can’t blame me if I’m a tad controlling, now that I have you.” His fingers feathered over my entrance, making me suck in a breath. “Now that you’re mine, Gem? Now that I know what it’s like to have something to cherish, protect, and love...then yes, I’m going to be a controlling, dominating asshole because it’s the only way I know how to keep you safe.”

I kissed him as his hand fell from my pussy and clenched into a fist. “I guess we’ll be possessive together then.”

He kissed me back, his forehead furrowed and already thinking about what would happen when we stepped outside my home. “We’ll just be two jealous people who should never be apart—for other people’s safety.”

“I love you, Kas. No matter what happens tonight.”

He stepped back, nodding once. “And I love you. For accepting me.”

We shared a look.

We broke apart.

For better or for worse, we were doing this.


I HAD TO BE honest.

This was hard. Really fucking hard.

Even after an intense release with Gemma on her knees and ass up over the couch—even with a sedative pill that my therapist claimed could knock out an elephant, I was borderline snapping. He’d actually given me the pills to help my nightmares, not to use when I had to stay awake. He’d claimed they were so strong, I’d be out like a light and have a dreamless, restorative sleep.


