Exquisite Death – The Gilded Sovereign Read Online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 49388 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 247(@200wpm)___ 198(@250wpm)___ 165(@300wpm)

I move my mouth over her curves and the pink cheeks of her ass while grasping her thighs to keep her from moving away from me.

“Tarian,” she moans as my lips tease their way down toward her inner thighs.

I push her legs apart and inhale deeply. The scent of her is intoxicating. My dick is weeping, ready to drive into her, deep and hard, but I know I need to take this slow. I want to savor every moment with her.



Tarian’s moving so slowly, as if he’s afraid I’ll break. I don’t want him to be gentle. I want him to show me his true nature. There’s a darkness within him I want to lure out. I want to see the demons he hides.

I wiggle my ass again, hoping to entice him to let go. I want the dangerous side of him, the side I’ve only seen when he’s with his Sovereign friends.

“Fuck, goddess,” Tarian murmurs into my wetness right before his tongue sweeps against my core, sending me to the edge far quicker than I’ve ever experienced before.

I’m soaked, dripping onto his tongue as he teases me.

“Please,” I beg as I push back against him.

Tarian’s teeth slowly bite into my inner thigh, which has bliss skittering down my spine. His fingers explore my wetness before he drives his digits into me, causing me to cry out as I fall over the precipice.

“I’ve wanted to hear that sound for so long,” Tarian confesses as my thighs tremble and nails dig into the sheets.

Suddenly, I’m flipped onto my back. Tarian looms over me, and as I look up into those pretty blue eyes that have been the cause of so many heartbreaks, I silently pray they won’t break mine too.

My legs wrap around his waist while he pins me down on the bed. We’re keeping each other hostage, but he doesn’t need to force me, because this is where I want to be.

Tarian’s mouth captures one of my nipples. His teeth graze over the hardened bud, causing me to moan loudly, and I can feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles.

“You have no idea what you do to me, Grecia.”

His words of desire wash over me. The whispered confession reminds me I’ve been waiting so long for this moment. And now it’s here. We’re both naked in bed, and I’m about to feel him enter me.

Tarian’s cock is hard and dripping as it nudges my core. The cool metal of his Prince Albert piercing presses against my clit, and I’m anxious to know what it will feel like when it finally slides inside me.

I capture his face in my hands, to keep him from looking away.

“I want this,” I tell him earnestly.

Tarian doesn’t waste any more time, and as his thickness stretches me, the blissful pain sends a shiver of relief and fear racing through me. My legs are trembling, but I don’t release him from between my thighs. I can’t. I run my nails along his shoulders, causing him to shudder, and as the corner of his mouth lifts, his lip and eyebrow piercings flicker in the low light of the bedroom.

“I can’t move,” he moans as he lays his forehead against mine.

It’s a tender moment. There’s a vulnerability to him I haven’t seen before, and I don’t know what to do with it. It’s new to me, and I’m not sure if I can handle Tarian as gently as he’s touching me.

Resting his weight on one elbow, the fingertips of his free hand skate over my curves, and when he reaches my ass, he grabs it and pulls me against him. The motion makes him sink even deeper inside me, filling me completely.

“You can,” I urge, wanting him to do something, but then I realize he’s waiting for my permission. “Fuck me, Tarian.”

He stalls for a silent moment before he pulls out, almost all the way, and then slams back into me, making my toes curl. Pleasure racks through my body as if I’m being electrocuted. Every nerve is a live wire, and I’ve no way of surviving the onslaught.

I dig my nails into Tarian’s back, which only seems to spur him on. He moves faster as his mouth once again captures a nipple and bites down, sending pained ecstasy coursing through every inch of me.

Reaching up, I tangle my fingers in his pitch-black hair and tug hard, causing him to hiss against my breast. My body responds to his rough thrusts, and as his hips hit against mine and I’m slammed into the bed, I realize this is what he enjoys, and I find I love it too.

Our bodies mold together as if we were made for each other.

“Fuck,” Tarian breathes in my ear, and I can’t stop my body from shivering at the warmth of his breath against my cheek. The sensation washes over me in a wave of bliss. I’ve never felt anything like this before.


