Exquisite Death – The Gilded Sovereign Read Online Dani Rene

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 49388 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 247(@200wpm)___ 198(@250wpm)___ 165(@300wpm)

“Are you just going to stand there?” She arches her dark brow at me in a challenge, and her lips tilt into a perfect, pouty smile.

Grecia Birchwood’s the devil in disguise, taunting me to break every rule I’ve made.

“I am.” My voice is scratchy, filled with gravel.

As I attempt to swallow the lump in my throat, she smiles and leans toward me until her lips are touching mine. She doesn’t kiss me, though. Instead, we just stand there, motionless, with our mouths delicately fused as her breath becomes mine, and vice versa.

A sizzling electric current courses through every nerve in my body, and I can’t stop myself from gripping her hips and pulling her against me. My hands find her ass, and I lift her off the floor. The moment her legs wrap around my waist, I move so her back’s pressed against the wall. She’s pinned between me and the cool surface that does nothing to chill us. She whimpers into my mouth as my hard cock, still tucked in my sweatpants, rubs against her center.

“Fuck,” I growl out. Then sucking her lower lip into my mouth, I graze the flesh with my teeth, biting down until she’s squealing. Her hands grip my shoulders, her nails digging into the skin that’s bared to her. “Scratch me, and I’ll make you fucking scream.” My threat is clear, but I know the little minx isn’t going to heed my warning.

The kitten digs her claws in even more and turns rabid as she rips at my flesh. I’m certain she’s drawing blood, and I do exactly what I warned her I’d do. Rolling my hips, I push against her heat and bite down on her lip until I taste the bitter, metallic flavor of blood as it trickles into my mouth.

Releasing her lip, I move my head back to meet her gaze.

“I don’t make empty threats, sweetheart,” I tell her. “Don’t fuck with me.”

“And don’t fucking threaten me. You can’t scare me, Tarian,” Grecia grits out through her perfectly white clenched teeth.

A small trickle of blood oozes from her lip where my teeth have grazed her flesh, and I can’t help but smile.

I’ve marked her.

My tongue darts out, and I lap her essence away, tasting her before I come to my senses and realize my mistake. Setting her down, I stumble backward as the implication of what I’ve done slams into me.

I can’t…I can’t fucking do this.

Shoving past her, I pull the bedroom door open and stalk through the plane. I pour myself a drink, and with a tumbler of whiskey in hand, I return to my seat. The amber liquid burns when I swallow it down as I try to wash away her flavor, but it’s no use.

I focus my gaze on the night sky outside the window. It’s too dark to see anything, but in about an hour or so, the light will come streaming in. I’m already regretting what I just did. I lost control. It’s not like me to break my own rules, and what happened threatens to weaken even further the restraint I’ve been desperately clinging on to.

Grecia enters the main cabin, and sitting across from me, she regards me with those hazel eyes that look into the depths of my sordid soul. She doesn’t say anything, merely glares at me. I know she’s angry because I pushed her away, but she doesn’t understand I’m no good for her.

“You’re an asshole,” she informs me coolly. “But I quite like assholes.”

“You’re into anal? That’s interesting. I’ll keep it in mind if I ever feel the need to fuck you.” I’m being a dick, but she’s used to me by now.

Rising from her seat, Grecia leans forward with her palms flat on the table between us and replies, “I wish you’d stop teasing.”

I’m left speechless when she turns and heads back into the bedroom, leaving me sitting alone. The girl isn’t scared of me, which is stupid on her part, but then again, I can’t help feeling I’m the one in trouble, and it’ll be me who ends up crawling back to her.

Shaking my head, I focus on the sky outside. We’ll be back in the States in less than an hour, and I need to prepare for the war that’s coming. I wouldn’t put it past Thane to make his move sooner rather than later, but my uncle underestimates me if he thinks I won’t be ready for him. I want nothing more than to bring this whole shitstorm to an end so I can move on with my life.

The attendant strolls through the plane and informs us we’ll be landing in thirty minutes. Once she’s gone, I rise and go to the bedroom where I find Grecia changing into a short summer dress that does nothing to hide her curves. Her hourglass figure is enough to drive any sane man to madness. And I’ve never once claimed to be of sound mind in the first place.


