Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

Interesting. He’s not suggesting we return to the mansion and go to his room or mine.

I attempt a smile. “Yes. Tomorrow’s another day.”

He takes my hand. I drop my gaze for a moment. His dick is only semi-erect now. Yeah, the moment has definitely passed.

“I suppose we should go back.”

“Yeah. But this isn’t over, Sienna. I—” Alex stops mid-sentence. “What’s going on over there?”

In the distance along the shore are three figures in the moonlight. The silvery glow of the stars accentuates a blond head. “Whoever it is, she’s blond. The woman, I mean.”

Alex takes my hand and we walk toward the figures until they come into better view.

“It’s River,” Alex says. “And Sebastian.”

“And Misty,” I add, recognition dawning on me.

Misty Holmes somehow got herself a threesome. Respect. Not that I want a threesome, but in Misty’s circles, it’s no doubt a common occurrence.

As we walk closer, Misty jumps into River’s arms.

“Damn,” Alex says.

I stop and pull on his arm. “We should turn the other way.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

We turn, moving away from the tide, and walk toward the concrete pathway.

“Alex!” a deep voice calls.

Alex turns back to the ocean with seemingly no thought to his nudity. I’m feeling a little exposed, though. Should I cross my arms over my chest? Or should I cover my crotch? There’s really no good answer.

“Seb?” Alex calls.

“Yeah. It’s me. Come here.”

Still holding my hand, Alex begins walking toward the three others.

I yank my hand away. “I don’t think so.”

“You okay?”

“I’m fine. But in case you’ve forgotten, I’m—we’re—naked.”

“So are they, from the looks of it.”

“True. But⁠—”

He smiles and kisses my cheek. “It’s okay. We’ll go back to the house if you want.”

“I’d prefer that, if you don’t mind.”

He turns and waves to Sebastian, and then⁠—

“Damn, Alex! Come here!”

“Later!” Alex yells back.

“This is important!”

“Fuck,” he mutters.

“Go ahead,” I say. “I can get back alone.”

“No. I don’t want you walking alone in the dark. Especially while you’re naked.”

“Alex, there’s no one else on this island. I’ll be fine. The pathway is well lit.”

“You’re more important than whatever he wants.”

His words warm me.

“They can wait,” he continues. “But I should talk to him instead of yelling back and forth. Come on.”

Oh, what the hell? We’re all naked. It’s not like anyone will care. I walk along with Alex, still holding his hand, until we get to the water where Misty has climbed out of River’s arms.

“What’s all this?” Alex asks.

“What’s it look like?” Misty says with a wink.

Yeah, I’m wishing for that quicksand again…

“We need to talk to you,” Sebastian says to Alex. “Brett too.”

“All right. Sienna and I were just heading back to the mansion.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Sebastian raises his eyebrows and points to their underwear on the sand.

“Funny story.” Alex rubs his jawline. “Seems the tide washed our clothes away.”

Misty bursts into laughter, but Sebastian and River remain stone-faced. Strange. The story, while embarrassing, is pretty funny.

“Where’s Brett?” River asks.

Alex shakes his head. “Do I look like I’d know? I’m standing here naked with a beautiful woman. I haven’t been thinking about Brett.”

Misty retrieves a pink thong from the sand and walks to me. “Come on, Sienna. These guys clearly want to be alone.” She grabs my hand, and before I know it, I’m being pulled away from the three men and toward the concrete pathway.

I turn to look over my shoulder at Alex, but he’s already huddled up with the other two.

Sadness spears into my gut.

Tonight is for you, if you’ll have me.

So much for Alex’s declaration. He spins words for a living, and that’s all his statement was—mere words. Words with no meaning.

“He’s a hottie,” Misty says. “Tell me. Is it true?”

“Is what true?”

She giggles as we reach the concrete. Lucky her. She has a dress to cover herself with. She steps into it and pulls it over her hips and breasts. “That Alex has a big dick.”

“Uh…you just saw him naked.”

“Yeah, and he looked pretty impressive, but you know very well what I mean. Is it true that he’s massive when he’s erect?”

My jaw drops as I remember Ginger’s prediction. “Who told you that?”

“One of my besties in LA. She had a one-nighter with him when he was in town for one of his premieres.”

At Misty’s words, my heart sinks to my stomach. Alex is smart, rich, and freaking gorgeous. Of course women fall all over him. This shouldn’t be news to me.

“So…?” Misty prods.

“I wouldn’t know.”

“The two of you are naked.”

“I won’t be naked much longer.” I grab one of the shirts—it’s black, so I think it’s River’s—lying on the concrete and put it on. It covers my ass nicely. Good. Now I don’t have to walk into the mansion unclothed. Sebastian or River can go shirtless no problem. And Alex? Screw him anyway.

“Come on, Sienna. Dish.”

“I don’t dish.” I resume walking toward the mansion.


