Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

Emily punches my thigh underwater again.

Yeah, she’s right. Did I really just say I might fall asleep in Brett’s company?

Brett smiles. “A walk it is then. Stay here. I’ll get you a towel.” He rises, steps out of the tub, and returns to the pool house. A few minutes later he reappears wearing jeans, a light-blue button down, and slip-ons. His muscular arms hold a plush white towel. “Here you go, Ariel.”

He holds the towel out in a rectangle—impressive arm span—and deliberately looks away like a gentleman.

Not the behavior I was expecting. He’s already seen my boobs. Hell, they’ve been pressed against his chest.

Just as well, though. This way I can hide Tweety a little while longer. I stand and step out of the tub and into the towel. He wraps it around me and then turns his head to face me as he secures the terry cloth over my chest.

A comforting gesture…as well as an arousing one.

After his performance on the dance floor, I was sure Brett was a player. Then again…would a player come to an island to find a wife?

Probably not.

I glance at my robe lying across a lounger. “I should probably get some clothes on.”

“Not a problem. The pool house lockers have each of your names on them. They’re filled with clothes in your sizes.”

I drop my jaw. “Evangeline didn’t tell us about that.”

“That’s because we didn’t tell Evangeline. We had the lockers stocked while the party was going on.”

“How lovely,” Emily says. “Have a nice walk, you two.”

“Yes, enjoy yourselves.” Ginger smiles.

“Have a nice evening,” Rachel finally says.

I walk to the pool house and make my way to the changing rooms. Sure enough, the lockers now have names on them. I open mine, and I choose a flowing blue sundress, a pair of white lace panties, and sparkly silver flipflops. I grab a wire hairbrush and tug it through my damp hair. A blow dryer hangs on a hook in the locker, but I choose not to use it. I want to get back to Brett before he changes his mind.

Brett is waiting outside the pool house for me. He takes my hand. “Ready?”

I nod, as I seem—temporarily, I hope—unable to form words.

I turn and wave to the others, and we leave the pool area.

The courtyard is empty except for staffers who are still cleaning after the party. We wave to them as well, and then Brett and I walk toward the beach.

“I’ve been wanting to talk to you alone,” he says to me.

Here it comes. He’s going to want to know why I lied about yoga in my bio, why I ran away from him at the beginning of the evening. I draw in a breath and brace myself. “Why?”

“I think you know why.”

I clear my throat. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For being…” I sigh. “I don’t know.”

We stop on the stamped concrete path that leads to the ocean. He turns to me and tips my chin up so I’m meeting his gorgeous blue gaze. “All you need to do is to be yourself, Ariel. Do you think I asked you to have a drink because I read your bio?”

“Didn’t you?”

He chuckles. “Of course not. I read all the bios. They contained interesting information, but if we could get to know you all from your bios alone, why would we orchestrate this big event?”

Okay. Now I feel like an idiot.

“I don’t care if you lied about doing yoga.”

“I didn’t…lie exactly. Evangeline⁠—”

“Evangeline wrote about you based on what she thought we wanted to know. She did a good job, but those are bios. Nothing more.”

“I watch yoga videos,” I say. “But I’m by no means an expert. When you asked me what kind of yoga, I panicked. I don’t know the different types of yoga, Brett. I just mimic what the instructors do on the videos.”

“I’m sorry I put you on the spot.” His blue eyes are warm and sincere, and he brings my hand to his lips and brushes them over it.

Chills skitter through me despite the warm night breeze.

“I think you’re beautiful.” He smiles. “I think all of the ladies are beautiful, but there’s a reason I approached you first, Ariel.”

“Why is that?” I ask, still reeling from the gentlemanly kiss to my hand.

With his other hand, he traces my lower lip with his finger. “Because you have the sexiest mouth I’ve ever seen.” He leans down.

My heart flutters.

And when his lips touch mine…

I open for him.

I open for his kiss.

And that advice I gave myself earlier? About not getting starry-eyed over a handsome billionaire?

It drifts away like delicate rose petals on the balmy ocean breeze.




Misty Holmes is beautiful, of course. The clingy pale-rose dress she wears accents her creamy skin and luscious curves. Her tits are pretty awesome too. As River and I walk with her across the concrete pathway that leads to the beach, she shows no signs of wanting to pull her dress up and cover them.


