Enthralled With You Read Online Jordan Silver (Sibling Rivalry #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sibling Rivalry Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49114 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 246(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)


“There’s somewhere I need to take you. I’m gonna need you to trust me.” She didn’t know it yet, but she already did. It showed in the way she just nodded her head and looked out the window. Or it could just be her natural submissiveness where I’m concerned.

Either way, she didn’t question where we were going, but she did get rather tense when we pulled up to the precinct. “Calm down you’re not going to be anywhere near her so don’t worry. But I need you to hear some things.”

She nodded her head but I could tell that she was still skeptical. I’d had the guy who’d been following mom questioned and he had a lot to say under pressure.

Apparently he was Lisa’s sidepiece or whatever the hell you call men who do the shit he does, and he did plenty. He knew all about Elaina’s dad and what had gone on there after the fact.

He and the bitch had been running scams for a while now, and I’m working on making sure he does time for his part in whatever happened to my family, and that includes her.

I’d already asked the D.A. to set things up for me and wasn’t expecting it to take too long. I just had a few questions for Lisa and then I’d be done with her for good. I’ll let the law deal with her in the future.

“I’m going to leave you in here with the door closed. All you have to do is watch and listen okay.” She nodded her head and looked at me with those scared eyes, which got her a kiss and a soft touch against her cheek before I left the room.

They brought Lisa out and into the little room where I was sitting waiting. In the other room beyond the glass wall sat Elaina. She could see and hear us, but we couldn’t see her of course.

I barely kept myself from strangling this bitch once the cop left, leaving us alone in the room together. She wasn’t looking so posh now in the orange jumpsuit with a few days worth of new growth showing under the brassy blonde color she favored.

“You, what are you doing here?” Her sneer was lost on me.

“Were you expecting someone else? If it’s my dad sorry, that’s not going to happen. I left him at home with his wife.”

It was obvious that she knew she’d lost but she still had to save face.

“Wife? Didn’t he divorce that…?” She changed her mind real quick about what she was going to say when I shifted in my seat.

I smirked at her, one of those smirks she used to wear when she thought she had us all fooled. “Oh, about that, our lawyers think that since you drugged him they might be a way to get the divorce tossed. Either way, they’ll just renew their vows and it’ll be like nothing ever changed.”

“Drugged? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“That cornered look in your eyes says different. But enough of that, that’s not why I came here. We already have enough evidence to prove your guilt there.”

“What evidence? What do you mean?” I didn’t bother to answer but instead pulled my phone and pulled up the photo I was looking for.

“Do you know who this is?” Her face blanched as she looked down at the screen. Even with everything I’d just told her, I think this was the thing that scared her most.

“Where did you get this?”

“He’s Elaina’s dad isn’t he? I had a long conversation with him and learned that you told him she was dead. After you took him for everything you could after lying about your age.”

She looked around the room like a cornered rat. “Where did you get this information? Did that bitch tell you? No, she couldn’t she doesn’t know who he is. I never told the stupid little bitch.

“Shut up. You say one more word about her and I’m going to forget where I am and throw you through the fucking wall. She’s ten times the woman you are and she’s only half your age. She already outshines you in everything and in every way possible.”

“It doesn’t matter, she’s still my daughter, and don’t let her fool you, she was part of it….”

“Are you really that fucking evil that you would sell her out for something she didn’t do? I already know the whole story Lisa.”

“Why should I care what you think? You’re in love with her aren’t you, you sap. What’re you going to do when it comes out that she helped me get your old man? That she’s the one who drugged him? Your precious Elaina will fry right along with me.”

I could only shake my head, and hope that my baby was seeing this. And that if there was even a little spark of daughterly concern in her for this monster it was about to die a quick death.


