Enthralled With You Read Online Jordan Silver (Sibling Rivalry #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sibling Rivalry Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49114 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 246(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)

It was sometime later when I felt her rooting around trying to get comfortable. She felt hot to the touch and I felt her forehead and almost gave myself a heart attack.

“Baby why are you hot? Are you hurting?” “Luke?” “Yeah baby, what’s wrong?” “Nothing, I’m hot.” She fought the covers and won but I don’t think that that’s why she was hot.

I slid her off of me and she fretted. “Shh, I’ll be right back.” I remembered that there was some tablets in that first aid kit and went to grab a couple. I found a half empty water bottle on her nightstand and got back into bed with her.

“Here, sit up for me baby.” She moaned pitifully when I lifted her against my chest and held her in the crook of my arm to give her the medicine. I don’t even think she was fully awake and I know she was already out again when I put her head back down on the pillow.

I stayed up half the night watching over her, checking her forehead every few minutes until I felt her temperature cool. I only gave into tiredness when she felt cooler to the touch and was no longer fretting in her sleep.

The next time I woke it was to the strange sensation of someone in bed with me. My eyes flew open as the memories of the night came flooding back in. I shifted my head and looked down at her face asleep on my shoulder.

I studied her face in slumber, so innocent, so perfectly beautiful. How could she have been treated so shabbily all her life? How could she not have been treasured?

Now that I’d had her, and was no longer confused about her intentions, I was finally able to name the emotion that has plagued me these past few days, ever since I saw her from that window.

It was a hard thing to accept, we’ve only just met after all. Plus I always thought that love was that happy shit that you were supposed to know right away. And I sure as shit didn’t think I was in the market for such pedantic bullshit anytime soon.

I’m not the flowery type who spend my days spouting poetry and being led around by my damn nose by some female who thought she owned me. Yes, those were my ideas of what love is.

But now I know different. If this madness I’m feeling isn’t love, then I can’t imagine that there could be anything stronger, more intense, more all consuming. And more fearful!

It happened so fast, so unexpectedly and of course there is the question of why her, why now? Why in the midst of this hell? A hell that we were both caught up in.

I pulled her closer to me and she sighed in her sleep and burrowed into my chest. That soft feeling around my heart was joined by a new warmth as I felt her heart beat against my side.

And I found myself thinking things that I never have before. I kissed her forehead as the love welled up inside me. My heart felt full with just a hint of fear. The fear that I might fuck up because I don’t have the first clue as to what the fuck I’m doing.

I soon brushed those fears aside though. Is there anything I can’t do? I’ll just do what I’ve always done, follow my instincts. That can’t be so hard can it? It wasn’t long before the hard on I’d awakened with became a throbbing ache.

And that kiss to her forehead became soft tender kisses along her cheek, her jaw, the corner of her lips. By the time I caught myself I’d turned her onto her back and was already slipping inside her welcoming heat.

I could feel that she was still swollen, tender even and her pussy was hotter than the night before. But I couldn’t pull out. Once I get inside her, it seems my body gets taken over and I no longer have any control.

She was still asleep when I buried my face in her sleep warm neck and fucked the last few inches of my aching cock deep into her. She came awake slowly after the third or fourth stroke and did that stretching shit, that makes my cock very happy.

“Good morning love.” Technically it was still the middle of the night but whatever. Her answer was to wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips, pulling me deeper into her.

I told myself that this time I will go slow. This times I will remember that I’m damn near twice her size and what’s more, her pussy was already sore so there was no need to fuck her like a matador on the loose.

Those were my intentions, and I was doing very well, even though I wanted to deep fuck her hard, I pulled my thrusts, giving her what she wanted, what we both wanted, without causing her too much pain.


