Enthralled With You Read Online Jordan Silver (Sibling Rivalry #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sibling Rivalry Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49114 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 246(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)

I walked casually into the closet and closed the door part of the way, leaving it open just a crack. I could almost feel her fear from there and wondered at the strength of my feelings for her. The new connection that seemed set in stone.

I didn’t want Lisa anywhere near her. Wished that I could walk out there right now and get her away from the other woman, but it was too soon to act. But if she put her filthy hands on her again, it’s a wrap.

Maybe my little espionage earlier wasn’t necessary. Maybe I’d hear enough from my hiding place to confront her and be done with it once and for all. I was seriously having to fight myself to keep from going out there and showing my hand way too soon. Just to keep her away from my innocent lamb.

“You stay away from that Luke, I don’t like the way he’s acting lately. You sure you didn’t say anything stupid?”

“Like what, what could I have said?” Her question gave me pause.

She obviously knew I was listening in, but it was almost as if she was leading Lisa to give herself away. A dangerous ploy when dealing with someone like that snake.

“Never you mind, as long as you keep your mouth shut. You didn’t go crying to him did you? About me never coming to visit you in that place?”

“Of course not, why would I? Why are you asking me these questions? Did he say something?”

“No, he didn’t say anything, but I don’t like the way he’s been looking, the big mama’s boy.”

“Lucas thinks that all is forgiven but I’m not so sure that that son of his wouldn’t come up with something, find a way to put a stop to the wedding. That’s why I need you to play along. It’s just for a few measly weeks, and then I might even let you go away to school sooner if you still insist on going.”

“Think about it, if things go my way we can both be set for life. But if you do anything to screw it up, we’ll lose and lose big. You wouldn’t want that would you?”

“Your old mom isn’t getting any younger. I don’t have that many years left where men are going to find me irresistible. I have to use what I’ve got now that I’ve got it.”

“I wont say anything, not that there’s anything I can say anyway. You haven’t told me anything.”

“Good, make sure it stays that way. I came out of the closet after she left to find Elaina sitting on the side of the bed white as a ghost.

“Hey, what’s the matter? Did she pinch you again?” I lifted her hand but she shook her head no. “I was so scared, so scared that she was going to find you in here.” She was shaking like a leaf when I pulled her into my arms.

I almost didn’t know what to do when she started to cry. It was so unexpected, though I don’t know why. Hadn’t I sensed that she was on the brink of tears ever since she first showed up here? Had that only been a few days ago?

It sure was, just a few days. Way too soon for what was going through my head. But a man doesn’t measure time by days and hours alone. Or at least it doesn’t matter under certain unique circumstances.

Like when you’re the kind of man who goes by instinct. Who’s honed that skill over years until you know to trust yourself, and when. Or when you’ve learned to tell the difference between lust, and something more.

That something more was very present, and had been since I saw the first crack in my erroneous assessment of her. “Stop crying. Unless you want me to go after her and wring her neck.”

I still wasn’t sure about their relationship, the little interaction I’d just overheard wasn’t enough to give me the whole picture, but it was enough to convince me that she had nothing to do with whatever the hell was going on here if I’d had any doubts.

Her fear was genuine and made her slight frame seem even smaller. It must’ve taken me five minutes to get her to stop shaking. I did it by just holding her and rubbing her back gently.

“Better?” I lifted her chin after the last shake and sniffle left her. Her eyes were watery pools of misery and why that should make my dick harder while tugging at my heartstrings is anybody’s guess. “Come!” I walked her into the private bath attached to her room and sat her on the vanity.

She didn’t ask what I was doing as I searched the cabinets and drawers for something to tend to the fresh ugly marks on her hand. I found a traveler’s first aid kit that didn’t have much, but had just what I needed.


