Enemies with Benefits Read Online J.D. Hollyfield

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 119152 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 596(@200wpm)___ 477(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)


Ugh. . . I hate him and like him at the same time.

I carefully wrestle into the dress so I don’t snag another bandage. I’m slipping my feet into a pair of sandals when I hear a knock. I make my way to his door, and my eyes widen when I make out Jenny through the peephole.

“Hey,” I say, surprise in my tone as I open the door. “How did you know—?”

“So, you are staying here.” Her smile doesn’t fully reach her eyes.

“Jenny, it’s not like—”

“You all didn’t have to lie to me. I just wanted to make sure you were taken care of. You’re my friend and—”

“Please stop. This is my fault.” I haul her inside and wrap my arms around her the best I can. “I’m sorry. I am your friend.” I pull away. Her eyes are filled with tears. “This is my fault. This shouldn’t have been a secret. It’s just. . . I haven’t been honest with you about who Ben is and our past.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come sit with me.” I lead her to the couch, and we take a seat. I don’t even know where to begin, but telling the truth is a start. “I’ve known Ben since we were kids.” Her eyes widen. “Well, I was thirteen when we met, and he was seventeen. I told you Hannah and I have been friends since we were kids. Well, in junior high, she kind of adopted me. We were inseparable. I was at her house all the time—so were her brother and his friends. That’s how I met Ben.”

“Did you two date or something?”

“Date?” I snicker. “Far from it. We were basically enemies. Did anything and everything to jab at each other any chance we got. We were awful to each other.”

“That’s messed up—for a seventeen-year-old to be so mean to a kid.”

“Yes. And no. My birthday was after the school deadline. Not to mention, I was held back for missing so much school. I was already thirteen when most kids in my class were turning twelve.” She sits there quietly. “Anyway, I moved away just before I turned fourteen, and we kind of reunited when I came back here.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Let me guess. Because you two don’t hate each other anymore?”

“Because you liked him. I didn’t want my past with him to interfere. And it didn’t matter.”

“And now?”

And now, I have absolutely no idea what we are. Friends? Frenemies? Building to something more? “I don’t know. I know that I never meant to hurt or lie to you. I definitely hope you don’t think I got in your way. It’s just. . .”

“Now you’re back in the picture, staying with him.”

I cup her hand between my claws. “I know this looks bad. But it wasn’t intentional. Ben just wanted to help me—”

“And I didn’t?”

“No! I promise you, I’m happy to have you in my life. You’ve been such a great addition since I returned home. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you or our friendship.”

Her eyes are guarded as she peers back at me. “I get it. I just wish you were honest with me.”

“Me too. You’re my friend. I should have never lied. Think we can hug it out and move past this?”

It takes her a beat, but she loses the frown, and a hint of a smile comes through. “Only if it’s over a bottle or two of wine and cheesy romance flicks. You do owe me a redo.”

“Deal.” I lean in and hug her.

She perks up. “You know, I don’t have much going on. Why don’t I kidnap you and take you back to my place for the day? We can paint our nails—or maybe I can. Duh. Bandages and all. We can watch movies. I just picked up this super yummy wine a woman at the grocery store recommended.”

“You know what? That sounds—”

Another knock on the door catches our attention. “Hmmm. . . hold that thought.” I check the door, this time seeing Hannah.

“Who is it?” Jenny asks as I open the door.

“Gah! Oh my god. Come here!” Hannah pulls me into a bear hug. “I was so worried. After Ben called and told me what happened, I wanted to rush to your rescue, but boy, is that man bossy when he wants to be—and persuasive. You should have heard the things he was suggesting just to have you—” She stops talking when she spots movement from the couch. “Oh. . . Jenny. I didn’t see you there.” She masks her nerves with a bright smile. “How are you?”

“I’m good. Just making sure Makayla is doing okay. Settled in.” She walks over and stands next to me. “We were just about to head out and drink wine and watch movies. Girl stuff—”

“Honey, you can’t drink,” Hannah cuts her off. “Aren’t you on medication? That’s a no-no.”


