Empire of Lust (Torrio Empire #1) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Dark, Mafia, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: Torrio Empire Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 113464 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 567(@200wpm)___ 454(@250wpm)___ 378(@300wpm)

“And that’s where you got the idea you wanted to be wealthy one day?”

“Who doesn’t want to have money? But looking back, I think that was my first glimpse at the way life could be. Otherwise, I would’ve ended up working myself into an early grave the way my old man did.”

“You still work really hard. You’re in your office all hours.”

“Not the same,” I murmur, shaking my head. Strange, but the stench of my father’s work coveralls seems to hang in the air around me now. I’m almost afraid to blink. If I do, I might find this was all a dream, that I imagined my life up to this point. I’m still sitting in that old house built for families working at the refinery that sprawled upward like a gothic castle. Like so many other tiny houses built for the workers, men and women who couldn’t afford to think past today, maybe tomorrow. Scratching out a living and fighting to survive.

None of them could’ve dreamed up what I’ve built. No matter how I was forced to build it.

“What made you ask about that?” I can’t go down memory lane anymore. Not when the memories come back so clear. I left all of that behind and made it a point not to look back.

“I guess I was thinking about the risks you take in your business. I don’t want you taking more risks than you need to.”

“What, you’re afraid if I killed your ex, it would be the end of me?” I stifle my laughter for her sake, but it’s difficult. “You don’t think I could take care of somebody like him with a snap of my fingers?”

“I know you could,” she whispers, looking green. “But I would rather you not take the risk. I wouldn’t want to be the reason anything happened to you.”

This is the second time she’s said something like that, the first being the day she warned me about her father. How he would come after me if he knew we were together.

“Do you think your dad would take it personally? If Lucas disappeared, would he try to find him?”

“Why are you asking me that?”


“Maybe. He’s not a fan of Lucas after what happened. I don’t think he ever was.”

There’s one thing we can agree on, even if that’s the only thing. But I still think he’d want to get to the bottom of it. “Be honest. Is that part of the reason you don’t want me going after him?”

“No, really. I didn’t even think about that.”

Her teeth sink into her lip while adorable worry lines etch themselves between her brows. “But now that you mention it, that’s another reason. I don’t want anything bad happening to you, especially not because of me.”

Her skin is so soft. It reminds me of a ripe peach. Usually, I want to sink my teeth in and let the juices run over my chin and coat my tongue. Right now, it’s enough to stroke her cheek and admire her beauty.

Even if she tries to turn her face from me.

“Don’t do that.”

The sadness in her voice keeps me from taking it the wrong way. “What? Touch you?”

“I don’t want you to stare at me. I’m so ugly.”

“You couldn’t be ugly if you tried.” She tries to turn away again when I gently brush my lips over the scrape at her temple. “Remember, don’t hide from me. Even the parts you think I won’t like because you don’t like them. I want all of you.”

“Like this?”

“Like this.” I’ve never wanted her more. She wouldn’t believe it if I told her, and I’m not sure I could find the words to say it. The feeling builds in my chest, though, awakening a hunger deeper than anything I’ve felt for her before. Stronger.

I came so close to losing her forever. All the steps I’ve taken to keep her with me were almost for nothing.

But she’s here, and she’s soft and warm, and now she catches my mouth with hers, and a deep, aching desire blooms between us.

“God, I want you,” I whisper against her lips. The past few days, I’ve treated her like a porcelain doll for fear of hurting her. There’s a beast inside me, fighting to claw its way out, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep him locked up.

“Me, too,” she admits, then slides down the bed until she’s on her back and pulling me closer. “Touch me. Please.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I know you won’t.”

I have my doubts but want to live up to the trust shining in her baby blues. It’s the only reason I’m able to keep my touch gentle as I drag a hand down the side of her body. I almost lost this. I almost lost her.

My touch has its usual effect on both of us. My cock immediately springs to life, weeping cum into my shorts after days spent outside her heat. Her head falls back while her legs fall open, hips tilting like she’s offering her pussy. Or demanding I take it.


