Elf (Mystic Guardians #2) Read Online Rinda Elliott

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Mystic Guardians Series by Rinda Elliott

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

Ezra let out a heavy sigh. “Just like with Ezekiel, be ready and guard yourself. My mother is not friendly unless your last name fits in with her idea of proper high society. She’s from the dark ages, just like this house she chose.”

“I’m more concerned with you. We don’t have to do this.”

Ezra gave him one of those rare, sweet smiles that made Alaric’s heart flutter. “Yeah, we do. I don’t want to spend my life running from the invisible man. We have important dating to do after all.”

Alaric couldn’t resist leaning over the console to give Ezra a kiss. “Just remember, I’m with you.”

They got out and walked up the ridiculous number of stairs, only to have the front door open as they reached it. A properly suited butler ushered them inside. He said nothing as he took Ezra’s coat.

“How are you, Edward?” Ezra asked as he blew on his cold hands and rubbed them together.

“I’m good, Mr. Forsberg. I’ve already told your mother of your arrival.” He led them into a formal living room.

Ezra nodded. “Thanks.”

The inside of the house was decorated in the most ostentatious color scheme Alaric had ever seen. Red and gold everywhere. Lots of gold. Even the curtains and most of the furniture. Red throw pillows with gold embroidery were strategically placed around the room—but not for comfort because the furniture was that modern type with all sharp edges and little stuffing.

A woman in a gray pantsuit, who had to be Ezra’s mother, strolled into the room, frowning. “Hello, Ezra. I’m surprised to see you since you didn’t call.”

“I thought the element of surprise would work in my favor. I need to talk to you, Mother.” He put his hand on Alaric’s arm. “This is my friend, Alaric.”

“Alaric what?”

“Denman,” Alaric said, knowing that would do nothing for her. His parents had once been a part of high society, but had quietly moved into the background to better be out of the spotlight since they didn’t age.

“I don’t know any Denmans,” she murmured as she took a seat on one of the uncomfortable-looking couches. She had iron gray hair in a stylish bob and wore heels despite being home alone. Her gray pantsuit was perfectly pressed, and she had a red scarf around her neck that matched her lipstick. Not one hair was out of place.

Ezra sat on the couch across from her and rested his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward. “I need to know about my father’s enemies. Someone is after me, Mother. Trying to kill me.”

“Kill you?”

Alaric watched her closely. Alarm had started spinning through his chest. She didn’t seem at all upset or worried and, in fact, didn’t seem surprised at all. He narrowed his eyes.

“Yes, kill me. There’ve been two attempts already and whoever is doing this is willing to pay a lot of money to see it happen. Everyone knew I wasn’t involved in Father’s business, and it turns out it wasn’t Brian.”

“How do you know it wasn’t Brian?”

“Because I confronted him, and he was never able to fake surprise. Surprise that you don’t seem to have, I might point out.” Ezra had gone white as a sheet. “Why aren’t you shocked?”

“I am surprised, but not shocked. But I don’t believe it wasn’t Brian. Who else stands to gain from your death? You’re still married.” Her eyes flicked to Alaric. “Did he tell you he was still married? Because I’m not buying this friend explanation. It’s obvious you two are more.”

“That’s right,” Alaric said. “We are more. In addition to being his bodyguard, I’ve come to care for Ezra.”

She smirked. “That’s surprising.”

Pure hatred burned a quick hole in his chest. To stand here, knowing the man he loved was hearing that from his own parent? He was braced, body taut, because her lack of surprise told him all he needed to know.

His heart broke for Ezra.

“Did you know that Brian was involved in human trafficking?” Ezra asked his mother. “Was my father also involved in that?”

She waved her hand. “I never paid attention to all your father’s business dealings.”

“That’s not a business, Mother, that’s people. Actual, living, breathing people, whose lives were completely taken away from them. It’s sickening. And if Father was a part of that business, I need to know. Brian is going to prison for a long, long time. I made sure of that. But if it wasn’t Brian after me, then it has to do with something involving my father. The price on my head is too high to be anything else.”

“And apparently, that price wasn’t high enough.”

Alaric inwardly cursed when Ezra’s brother stepped into the room. He had two shifters by his side, both massive werewolves, and a wicked long knife in his hand. Alaric began gathering magic in preparation to fight them all.


