Elf (Mystic Guardians #2) Read Online Rinda Elliott

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Mystic Guardians Series by Rinda Elliott

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

A flare of shocking possessive anger went through Alaric. “Stay away from him, Finn.”

“Called dibs? After seeing his reaction to your sex poses, I get it.”

“Yoga poses, not sex poses.”

“Oh, trust me. That thing you were doing was pure sex. But on a serious note, there is that rule about fraternizing with clients.”

“There is no fraternizing, I haven’t touched him.”

“But you want to.”

“Wouldn’t matter if I did. Ezra may be your type but he’s not mine.”

“You just keep telling yourself that.” Fin pointed at Alaric’s groin. “Your body isn’t on the same page.”

“I was soaking in magic. That sometimes happens. You know a man can get turned on by strange things, sometimes.” Alaric picked up his mat. “Ezra is a spoiled rich boy without ambition or focus. You know me well enough to know that he wouldn’t be someone I’d have any interest in.”

Finn walked over to him to lean in close. “That sexual tension went both ways, my friend. You should talk to Xavier and get someone else on Ezra so you can explore this further. Chemistry like what I just felt? It’s rare.”

Alaric sighed. He knew that. He also knew he shouldn’t in any way be attracted to someone like Ezra, but he was. So much so it was affecting his job. “What are you doing here, Finn?”

“I brought some of Ezra’s things like you asked. By the way, his place was being watched by a wizard. And I heard about your fight with the sylph. How’d you see it to send the spell?”

“A blocked section of wind. I just aimed the spell there along with a lot of hope and got lucky.”

“Luck had little to do with it. You got skills, and you know it. It’s why you’re one of the best Xavier’s got.”

Alaric snorted. “Xavier’s entire roster is superior, and you know it, smoke man.”

Finn nodded. He knew their boss only hired the best of preternaturals. And the most honorable. Alaric was proud to be a part of Protective Solutions, and Finn clearly was, too. “Seriously though, Alaric. What are you going to do about this thing with Ezra?”

“There is no thing, so I’ll do nothing.” Alaric picked up his mat and marched inside.


He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, and he really shouldn’t have.

Ezra is a spoiled rich boy without ambition or focus.

Ouch. Alaric didn’t know him. Knew nothing about him.

But old doubts and insecurities had flared strong at those words. He rubbed the sudden pain in his stomach as the words played over and over in his head. And after Ezra had blatantly shown his reaction to the sexiest bout of exercise he’d ever seen. The elf’s body had been so supple, so graceful, muscles straining and sweat dripping down his dusky skin despite the winter air. Ezra had been mesmerized, frozen in place, unable to tear his gaze away. He’d wanted Alaric then more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. Wanted to lick away that sweat. Wanted to feel those straining muscles against his own.

That big frame with its lean lines…Alaric was like sex personified. And to know what he actually thought of Ezra? The disdain that dripped from his voice? All that lust had turned to shame. An emotion he had way too much experience with.

He did have ambition. Had already applied to school in the fall, and he still ran two of his family’s charities—something his brother, Ezekiel, had washed out of his life.

Did he know what he would do with his life long term? No. And at twenty-six, the pressure to decide sat heavy on his shoulders at all times.

What he really wanted to do was photography. Which was crazy since he hadn’t picked up a camera in over two years. Living with Brian had killed his secret dreamy side. In high school, he used to sneak off to take pictures of anything that caught his notice, from unusual flowers to unique people. He’d spent hours combing city streets for the right images.

But life with Brian—a phrase that always made him smirk because of the Monty Python movie—had changed him. It had killed the last of his belief that he could maybe have something good in his life. Three years of constant tension did that to a person.

He supposed in a way, he was a spoiled rich boy. Never spoiled with any sort of affection or acceptance, but he’d never lacked for anything he needed physically. He’d always had the nicest clothes and cars. Never went hungry. And Lisa, the faun who’d lived in his home working for his parents, had been kind to him. She’d mothered him in a way. Not really with affection, but she’d always made sure to have a snack ready when he got home from school, and she’d talked to him. Told him all about the world of preternaturals.


