El Diablo II Read online M. Robinson (The Devil #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Devil Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 89772 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

We were in my office downtown, having a private conversation. I sat in the armchair while he sat on the couch, instead of being tied to a chair like my usual interrogations. I had to give credit, where credit was due. The man had some brass fucking balls for not showing any fear in my presence. Aware of the fact, I knew the truth and how he played a hand in my sister’s disappearance.

The piece of shit had the audacity to grin. “Your reputation proceeds you, Martinez. Quite the devil you’ve become. In the last seven months, you’ve killed more men than anyone in years, trying to find your sister. I can see why though…she did get taken when you were supposed to be babysitting her. How’s it feel to get promoted to this—” he gestured around the room “—when you were just your father’s bitch prior to her kidnapping.” He narrowed his eyes at me, cocking his head to the side.


I knew what he was trying to do. He was playing the game. It was easy to catch who was lying, who was pretending, who was bluffing, and who was just full of fucking shit. A person’s body language always told me their story.

He was scared, outing himself with the subtle taps of his fingers against his lap. A nervous twitching motion.

“The only bitch I see here is you.”

“I’m just saying…” He shrugged. “That’s quite an accomplishment for someone so young.”

“I’m just saying,” I mocked in a condescending tone. “If I wanted your goddamn opinion, I’d fucking ask for it.”


I didn’t give him a chance to reply, grabbing the folder sitting on the coffee table and throwing it on his lap.

“Now here’s a question I need you to answer, before I send my men to your house to slit your girlfriend’s fucking throat. She’s pregnant, right?” I arched an eyebrow. “Two birds with one stone.”

His jaw clenched.

“I’m in a position to destroy your entire life, and I’d be more than happy to pick up the phone and make one call. One fucking call is all it would take to have my men fuck every hole in her body, while I make sure you’re watching. So I’m going to ask you one more fucking time. Where is my sister?”

Tapering his stare, he gave me a smug look. Facial expressions always revealed a lot about a person. The eyes truly were a window to a person’s soul. Energy of any form was communicated through an individual’s gaze. In this line of business, looking for these signs meant survival of the fittest.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

The longer I was around him, the more I learned about him. I smiled, not paying him any mind as I lit a match for my cigar instead. Even sharing the air he breathed was making me sick to my fucking stomach. Taking a few deep puffs, I blew out a couple of smoke rings into the thick atmosphere.

“Was everything planned? Did you know…I mean, you couldn’t find your own goddamn cock if it was in your hand. So let me rephrase, did the men you work for, know my wife would be the perfect distraction to take what was mine?”

“I don’t know why you’re so upset. Look at the reward you’ve reaped. Sienna. Her sweet virginal cunt—”

Not allowing him to speak ill about my wife, I lunged forward and gripped onto his head. Snubbing out the end of my cigar right into his left eye.

“Ahhhhhh!” he screamed as blood gushed down his cheek and the smell of burning flesh filled the space between us.

I dug it deeper into his skull until I finally stepped back.

“You motherfucker! My eye! My fucking eye!”

“You’re a second away from becoming permanently blind. Now fucking tell me where my sister is!”

“Fuck you!”

I loudly growled, grasping onto his head again, before I struck his other eye.

“Why must you test my hand at your expense, you stupid motherfucker!”

“I don’t know where she is!”

“Lying to me only wastes my fucking time!”

He wilted over, placing his head between his knees. “I can’t see! I can’t fucking see!”

“No shit! You’re about to never breathe again if you don’t start answering my fucking questions!”

Clenching his hands in front of his face, he gasped for air that wasn't available for the taking. I watched with fascinated eyes, not moving an inch to help the son of a bitch.

“Last I heard they took her out of the county. Where did they take her? I need a state, a city, a fucking street! Give me what I want to know before I pick up my fucking phone!”

“No! Leave her out of this!”

“Since you’re so keen on wasting my time, allow me to speed up the process.” I didn’t hesitate, calling one of my men. “Bring me Giovanni’s girlfriend. Now!”

“Okay! Okay!” he surrendered like I expected he would.


