El Diablo Read Online Books by M. Robinson (The Devil #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devil Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 161
Estimated words: 149338 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 747(@200wpm)___ 597(@250wpm)___ 498(@300wpm)

“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?! You wanted this!” he roared, pulling her closer to him by her arm.

“I… no… I didn’t! I swear!” Mia stuttered, fervently shaking her head.

I gasped.

“Look me in the goddamn eyes and tell me you didn’t plan this.”

“No! Of cour—”

Lucas, her dad, was over to them in three strides, hearing the commotion from outside. Austin, Dylan, Jacob, and Martinez not far behind him. My heart pounded in my chest, I swear I stopped breathing.

Lucas got right up in between them without giving it a second thought. “Back the fuck up if you know what’s good for you. And get the fuck out of this house,” Lucas snarled, eyeing him up and down with a threatening regard.

Creed scoffed, matching his stare. “Fuck you! Now you want to be all protective? You’re too late. Your fifteen-year-old daughter went and got herself knocked up. Congratu-fucking-lations, Grandpa.” He pushed him. Lucas barely wavered, ready to strike back.

“Creed! Enough!” All eyes flew to Martinez who was casually walking over to them. Creed’s eyes narrowed in recognition, jerking back stunned he was there.

They knew each other?

“This isn’t the time or the place. There are women and children present.”

Creed scowled. “Since when the fuck do you care about any of that?”

“Since this is my niece’s home. And her kids are my blood. Me and your club have never had any problems, if you want to keep it this way, I suggest you take your ass outside and walk away.”

Creed took a look around, finally realizing Martinez was right. Seemingly pissed that his temper outweighed anything else. Creed stepped back, looking over at Mia again.

“This ain’t over.” He nodded at her.

He turned and walked out the door. The roar of a motorcycle rumbled around the living room moments later.

“Mia,” her mom Alex coaxed, standing in front of her. Oh my God! Is it true? You’re pregnant?” Mia stood there frozen in place. “I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend? And now this? What were you thinking? You got yourself wrapped with an MC? How old is that guy? He has to be in his late twenties. Alex’s eyes filled with tears as she brought her shaking hand up to her mouth. Lucas stood there with rage in his eyes, hands in fists at his side. His friends ready to hold him back.

Mia’s glossy eyes wandered around the room, mortified, overwhelmed not knowing what to say. “It’s not his. It’s his younger brother’s. I’m so sorry, Mama,” she whispered, running out the backdoor.

I stood there speechless, my heart breaking for all of them. Knowing this wasn’t the end of their problems.

It was only the beginning.

There was a shift in our relationship after the christening, and not in a good way. In the last three months, Martinez started working more and more, coming home less. Sometimes he’d stay gone for days at a time, not telling me where he was going, or when he’d be back. Leaving me alone in the penthouse, worried if he was dead or alive. He’d always check in with me, but it still wasn’t the same. The loving man I’d spent the last three years with slowly faded away. Leaving behind the man I ran away from all those years ago. He didn’t touch me as often, barely touching me at all. I missed the way his hands felt all over my body. The way only he could ever make me feel.

I missed him.

Most of all I missed his arms around me when I slept. He never held me anymore, saying he was too busy and needed to work. We didn’t laugh together. I couldn’t remember the last time he smiled. His eyes were once again cold, dark, and soulless. The exact same haunting glare he wore in my nightmares. I didn’t know what was happening, every day it was something different. I couldn’t keep up with the rollercoaster of emotions anymore. It was as if he was trying to push me away again, deliberately shutting me out of his life. I thought all of that was behind us, not having the strength to relive it again.

Was it too much introducing me to his family?

Did it become too real for him?

Was he having second thoughts now? About me? About us?

As the days went on, more insecurities came forward, making themselves known. Creeping out at all hours of the day and night. Not allowing me to rest for one goddamn second. Dancing didn’t even calm me the way it used to, no longer my escape. I didn’t even recognize the woman staring back at me in the mirror anymore. I was losing myself to self-doubt and uncertainties.

Did he not love me anymore? Was there someone else?

Question after question sent me on a downward spiral. I refused to believe any of it was true, trying to ease my overly active mind the only way I could. Making up reasons and excuses for his distant behavior, sometimes it worked, but most of the time it didn’t.


