Eden High: Series 1 Read Online Jordan Silver (Eden High #1-6)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Eden High Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 112163 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 561(@200wpm)___ 449(@250wpm)___ 374(@300wpm)

That was another thing I noticed about him, he didn’t mind holding hands or even putting his hand on my ass, not to mention the occasional lip lock. It’s like he couldn’t keep his hands off of me. Hmm! so not Hollywood!


We’d ended up at his house afterwards and he’d dragged me off to his room, after saying a quick hello and goodbye to his mom who just laughed at us.

“I’ve been dying to get my hands on your ass all day.” He palmed my ass cheeks under his too big jersey that I was still wearing by the way.

My heart was about to beat a path out of my chest. It’s the first time I’d ever gone this far with a boy before and his bed was right there and oh shit.

His hand snuck under my bra and the warmth of his flesh against mine gave me goose pimples. “Relax Sian, I only want your mouth for now.”

We spent two hours up in his room with him teaching me how to kiss while he fondled my breasts. By the time we were halfway through I was ready to climb him but he held me off.

I’d had to settle for what he called dry humping which has got to be the most frustrating thing in creation.

I was surprised that in the end he was the one with the cool head.

“We both know you’re going to be the one to take it, so what difference does it make when?” I was trying to get into his pants when I uttered those words.

The boy had great control though. He clasped my head between his hands and looked into my eyes like he was seeing into my soul.

“Soon baby I promise, but not like this.” With that he’d taken me home with my million and one bags.

It wasn’t as easy explaining my complete new wardrobe to mom since I don’t lie to her and had to tell her the truth. She seemed a whole lot flustered and who can blame her?

But after he had a word with her, of which I still have no idea what was said, she seemed okay with it.

He’s been to the house almost every other night for dinner and homework, and seems to have fit right in.

Even dad has been heard to sing his praise, and Maggie is halfway in love with him.

It’s easy to fall for him when I see how gentle he is with her feelings. That and of course the things he does to me personally.

Just one look from him and I’m ready to do all manner of things that a month ago wasn’t even part of my plan.

His intensity is by turns frightening and alluring. One minute I want to jump him and the next I want to run and hide.

Mom did say he strikes her as very intense for a seventeen year old, though she didn’t say it as a negative.

I’ve also been coming out of that shell that I’d built myself thanks to him.

Jared had told me about Belle’s concerns that the twits were planning something, and that could have something to do with Jace’s sudden overprotective streak.

Though I appreciated what he was doing, it had jarred me out of whatever fugue I’d been under since moving here.

I was never going to be anything other than what I am after a few weeks here. Who was going to like me, already did, and who wasn’t won’t. There was no more fitting in left to be done.

In one week I’d landed the most eligible, not to mention hottest guy in the whole school if not the town.

Had formed friendships with three amazing girls whom I actually liked, and wasn’t being shunned by the student body as a whole. I’d say that was an excellent start.

It was good to be able to relax and breathe, to just be. Tonight was going to be fun and just one more step in the new direction my life had taken.

Jace and I had spent the last two Saturday nights on his couch making out. He said he didn’t trust himself alone with me in his room, and since he didn’t want to rush me we had to make do with the couch.

It was getting harder though, to go home after one of our hot and heavy make-out sessions.

My phone rang just as I was organizing the snacks for my little party. “Hi baby, listen, about this thing you have going on tonight.

You girls don’t plan on doing any of that stupid high school prank stuff do you? I don’t want you going out driving around in the middle of the night, you understand?”

He didn’t even let me get so much as a ‘hello’ out before he started handing out orders; another little thing I noticed he was good at.

“I don’t think we were planning on doing that, but Jace, I think if I wanted to do something like that I would, whether you liked it or not.”

Okay that’s part of the intensity thing I was talking about. He tells me what to do when to do it and how to do it.

It’s not even like he’s smothering me, no, he’s too slick for that, everything he does is done in a way that makes it seem like it’s always for my own good.

I know that sounds kind of weird, when I told Jess about it she said he sounded like an abuser, but the reality is, that nothing could be farther from the truth.

We’re still learning about each other Jace and I. Still getting to understand the quirks, that makes us who we are.

I think Jace is just one of those people who has to be in control at all times. At first I wasn’t sure how to handle him, I was still in my settling in stage.

But yesterday I’d come to the conclusion that I needed to stop being an ass and be who I am, who I’ve always been; and who I’ve always been would never let her boyfriend boss her around. No matter how hot he is.


