Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

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I’d been so caught up in Jace’s shit that I’d almost had to put mine on hold. In the end the SEALs had proved themselves and I didn’t need to worry after all.

The senator was in deep with a known terrorist among other things. I didn’t really give a shit about him, I only cared about my sister. My sister who was now married to a SEAL. And the fact that the man who’d been after her was now dead.

I did the research and she couldn’t have chosen a better mate. I can sleep at night now without a worry in the world. She’s surrounded by people who love her and she no longer have to stay hidden because the asshole that was after her is no more.

“Jace, I need another favor.”

“What’s that?” Things had calmed down considerably around here. The women weren’t getting into shit and us guys had a chance to breathe for once.

“I have to go see my sister, but I wanted you and Sian to come with. She wants to thank you in person.”

“That’s not necessary but we’ll go. You know the rest of them are gonna want in too don’t you?”

I’d finally told the others about my sister, not everything, but enough so they understood why I hadn’t mentioned her before. And just as Jace suggested, once they learned we were headed to Georgia they wanted in.

I was still trying to make sense of the phone call I’d received an hour ago. Mancini. I’d met him twice now and both times I’d got that vibe from him. This guy was the real deal. I’d dealt with enough men who only wished they could be what he is, so I knew the real thing when I saw it.

But his phone call was a bit unnerving all the same.

“Tell your friend and his dad they no longer have to worry about your military stint, I’m already working on it.” He’d dropped that little tidbit after asking me about the switch on the senator’s glasses and how I’d come up with the idea.

And when I told him I’d made the camera myself he got really interested then. Not for nothing, but this guy and those SEALs, in fact the whole crew scare me more than the government and they are some scary fucks.

Not scared like a punk, more like amazed at the shit these fucks can get up to. So when he so casually mentioned something that he should have no knowledge of, I got the sense there was much more left unsaid. I’m sure a man of his caliber wasn’t just wasting his time on some kid that he didn’t even know.

“I sense a catch.”

“No catch, I just think you’re wasted on those fucknuts is all. Anytime you’re ready give me a ring.” He’d rang off after that but there was no mistaking the smile in his voice. I’m pretty sure he knew that I was going to look into him.

And that was my reason for being hesitant about taking Jace with me. I’d got a glimpse of where those SEALs live and I have the feeling that shit would only give Jace ideas. He was already making noise about building a place like the one on the island where we all could live. The kid’s a damn hippie at heart.

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“Track wants us to go to Georgia to meet his sister. We’re going this weekend if you’re not too sick.” I said that shit hopefully. Not that I’m in any hurry to leave her behind, but I hate taking her into the unknown.

“Georgia? Great, then we can swing by my old stomping ground and you can see where I grew up.” She was just lolling around on the bed about to die according to her. Now she bounded off the bed like she had an energy boost.

She was five months pregnant and looked it. My son was going to be a bruiser because her tummy was huge. As much as I like playing with that shit, it scares me half to death. I can’t imagine her giving birth.

The last few months have been crazy. The trial wasn’t half as exciting as everyone expected. The public defender appointed to Mandy was no match for my team. And since dad had pressured Stanley’s dad, he too knew to let his kid swing unless he wanted the whole ship to go down with him.

So in the end it turned into those two fighting over who was lying and for a while there it looked like she just might slip through the cracks, especially once it was established that he’d done the bombing solo.

But then her friends, Liz and Kelly had given their testimony and the tide shifted. Last I heard Mandy was trying to swindle some lowly orderly into doing her bidding. His wife found out, thanks to me and cut off her only resource on the outside. It was either that or cut his balls off, those were the only two options he was given.


