Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

On second thought, her not telling me she was pregnant was kinda good for me. Once those words leave her mouth, she’s got me. There won’t be anything I can deny her under the sky.

What’s the difference jackass? She hasn’t told you, but because you went snooping and you know you’re bound by the same creed. “Well fuck!”

“What’s wrong with you? I won’t get the rugs if it’s going to make you that upset.

“No-no I wasn’t talking to you, I was thinking about something else. Hey.” I lifted her chin with my finger. She looked like she was going to cry. “Baby, I wasn’t talking to you. I wouldn’t dare, not on our honeymoon.”

Her girls had heard the commotion and were looking back at me like they wanted to fight. “Everything’s okay here ladies, just a little misunderstanding.” The fuck! she smiled to let them know she was okay.

“Jace I need another doner.” I bit the inside of my cheek so that I didn’t remind her greedy ass that this would be her second in as many hours. I’m not sure if it was the baby, or that she just liked this Turkish version of a gyro, but she sure could put them away.

“Fine. Track, watch her. Anyone else need anything?” They all put in their orders like they hadn’t been eating since we woke up. The only reason I was leaving her and them behind to walk back to the corner is because I had a phone call to make. Damn!

* * *

Round three goes to me. Track thinks I don’t know he took round two. I slipped up on that one because I was worried about Sian’s ass in the hospital.

I know his heart is with me, but he has more than enough on his plate with his sister’s situation. Fucker was up all night monitoring some shit half way around the world.

Between him and dad, I’m staying busy. I have to do this myself, because like I keep telling those two, it was my mistake that brought her into our lives. I don’t have to worry about Alex and Shane, all I have to do is tell them no and they listen.

Track’s not gonna stop so there’s no point in me telling his ass shit again. So instead I have to cut him off at the pass. I can’t complain though, he’d got the ball rolling in the right direction. Now I’m just following that momentum.

I made the call and it was answered on the first ring, good. “Is it done?”


“This is our last call unless you fuck up, but before you go, there’s one thing I still don’t understand. Why did you send me that note?”

The voice on the other end took a while to answer. That was okay, I was waiting for my orders to be filled. Fucking Sian has no concept of time.

I told her we needed to leave in less than an hour and she’s walking around the bazaar like Turkey’s gonna disappear and she’d never get another chance to visit.

“Because I knew you deserved better.”

“Yeah but had you kept your mouth shut you never know how things might’ve gone. You could’ve become the stepfather in law of the future head of all things Hollywood.”

“That’s not how I operate. When I met and married her mother, I did it because I genuinely fell in love with her. I knew what she was when I met her. But I also knew she did it, lived that way, because she had no other choice.”

“She never really had the heart for it. But the daughter, that girl was bad to the core.”

“I knew!”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I knew what she was up to. Not in the beginning more fool me. But by the time I received your note I’d already started to suspect some of what she is and started putting the pieces together. I hope you explained to your wife, that if either of you try to help her now or in the future, I’ll destroy you.”

I heard him swallow deep on the other end. Before acknowledging my words. At least he wasn’t dumb enough to think that I was too young to keep my promise.



* * *

I made one more call on my way back. “You did good.”

“Good, does that mean I’m off the hook?”

“I’ll think about it. If you’d had a hand in it, I’d do the same thing to you that I’m gonna do to her. But since you told me the truth I’ll go easy on you.”

“Yeah I didn’t like that. I thought it was going too far. I only wish I’d taken her seriously and warned you sooner. Tell Sian…”

“Don’t give me messages for my girl, you haven’t earned that privilege yet, if ever.”

“You’re still guilty of some other fucked up shit that you did when you were following Mandy, you have some people to make that up to; like Cassie. You take care of that and I’ll think about not making your life a living hell.”


