Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

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“Wait, it’s done? The fuck, did I say anything?” Sian clapped her hand over me mouth. Married two minutes and she was already starting her shit. I seriously don’t remember saying my vows or answering shit, but apparently I’d done my part.

I’d been too busy watching her and the others. Seeing the smiles on their faces made me happy and at the end of the day that’s all I cared about. For me, this was just the beginning and not the most important part of our journey.

I know most people put a lot of stock in these ceremonies and the big show of it all, but for me that wasn’t as important as the life that follows. Of course Sian’s ass was loving it. She’s such a girl.

She made me get into that damn carriage to ride to the place where we were going to take pictures, before coming back here for the reception. I didn’t mind as much as I let on, since it was playing into my plans.

Sian beamed from ear to ear but I could tell she was glad it was over too. There were actually people lined up on the sidewalk waving as we passed by. I would’ve been nervous had I not caught sight of a few of dad’s men in the crowd.

As we took pictures, together just her and I and then with our friends, I was thinking about phase two of my little plan. Don’t get me wrong, I was here in the moment, but I still had a score to settle.

So while we posed for pictures I knew there were other cameras rolling as well. I needed to make a phone call but not yet, that would come later. Then the real games would begin.

* * *

We were there for what felt like hours before it was time to head back to the venue. The moms had planned every minute detail of the afternoon and evening and so far everything was going off without a hitch.

There were about three attendants for each guest, so there was no room for shit to go haywire, which meant my wife and the wives of my friends were free to relax and enjoy their big day. I’d told myself that I was going to put it away for today, but I’d forgotten my trust issues when it comes to people.

I eyed anyone who got too close to her and even when dad whispered in my ear that maybe I shouldn’t give so and so the death glare because he was some well known guru or some fuck, those types I glared at harder.

The fuck outta here. If he wanted me to have blinders on when it comes to the world, then maybe he shouldn’t have given me access to what I know.

“Jace are you not having fun? You don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself. Why is your face like that?”

“Babe, I just put a stamp on your ass and got a piece of paper that says I own you. What’s not to enjoy?”

I knew that shit would get her nosy ass out of my business. “Hey, no flouncing.” Oh she was dying to give me the finger. And my grin only pissed her off more. “What a brat.”

“Dude, you do know you gotta sleep next to her tonight right.”

“Oh she’ll be over it by then. My girl never stays mad at me for too long. Heaven help me when she finally figures out that she’s the one who owns my ass.”

“Don’t they all? Fucking women.”

“I see you won some points with Valerie.” He turned to look at his wife who was shining like a gem, surrounded by fawning dilettantes who thought she was a movie star.

“Yeah, I think you may have gone overboard with the reporters you put on her though.”

“Caught that did you?”

“I know you remember.”

“I remember what that viper said to her at the restaurant. Let’s see who’s the fucking token when she’s on the front of every major magazine and newspaper from here to Europe.”

“Thanks bro. My mind didn’t even go there.”

“No need to thank me. I may have hired the cameras, but your wife’s natural beauty and grace is what’s making this more interesting. Look at them trying to figure out who she is.”

“She’s in her element, she loves this shit.” I knew she would, I couldn’t have chosen better for him if I’d tried. My little family is coming together just nicely.

* * *

I checked my watch for the fifth time in ten minutes. We had a plane to catch, well, okay, the plane was waiting for us and would wait until we got there. I was ready to go, but these fucks were acting like they were in it for the long haul.

My boys, who usually act like they have some sense, were all to the man, being led around by the nose. All I’ve heard in the last half hour is, ‘the girls aren’t ready to leave yet, they’re having too much fun.’ Like we didn’t have a damn near twenty-four hour flight ahead of us.


