Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

At least I’d taken care of their latest debacle before coming home this time, so that should buy me some time. But I knew no matter what they had going on, it was nowhere near the shit that my boy would bring down if this twit wasn’t taken care of.

And wouldn’t you know he’s acting even stranger than usual today? Just what I need after the night I had. “Is something bothering you bro? You seem…distracted.”

“Nope. Shut up, I’m watching my girl work this fuck.” We both turned back to my iPad screen where we could see the exchange taking place. I held my breath as we watched, hoping that nothing went wrong.

For the first few minutes we were looking at the senator through the pin Sian wore on her collar. Now we watched as he passed his glasses to her after she’d admired them.

We watched as she slipped them into her purse and replaced them with the identical pair I gave her earlier. He didn’t notice anything different, which is what I was waiting for.

I knew it would work, the fucker can’t see without them on. But I knew if she played the flattery game he’d fall for it. Once she passed them back to him, and the switch had been made, I felt like I could breathe for the first time since I realized what was going on with Ariel.

“You see bro, what did I tell you? Smooth, no muss no fuss. And all she had to do was bat her lashes and compliment his glasses.” And these fucks run the damn country.

“I didn’t know your girl could act though. Damn, she nailed him. I didn’t tell her all that shit.”

“I gave her some pointers. After looking into him it wasn’t hard to figure out his taste, demented fuck.”

I had to hold him down when we overheard the senator invite her to lunch.

“Jace, she’s leaving, look.” I had to keep my hand on his shoulder, keeping him in place in the back of the limo so he didn’t blow our cover.

I didn’t relax until she was back in the car and he had her grabbed up to his side like she’d been missing for half his damn life. This kid!

“Thanks Sian. One day soon I’m going to tell you what you just did. For now just know that you’re saving lives.” Now it’s the SEALs turn at bat. If they don’t get this fucker I’ll take him out myself. At least my sister would be able to live.

I just need the other player to go down as well. That’s the only reason I’m not…yeah, better leave that thought alone for now. The way technology is these days some motherfucker might soon be able to read minds and shit.

“Baby I know you must be hungry, they’re fixing us something on the plane. I want out of this hellhole yesterday.” He did look a little twitchy.

“Can’t we at least look around a little bit? I’ve never been here before.”

“No, the nasty fucks in this city make my skin crawl. I stay here one minute more than is needed I’m liable to fuck somebody’s shit up. Did you see how his old ass was ogling you?” She rolled her eyes at him, me I stayed out of it

* * *


* * *

“Thank fuck that’s out of the way.” I’d just put her to sleep in the plane’s bedroom again and took my seat across from Track.

“What now?” He was doing some shit on his phone when he asked.

“Now, we relax, take the girls on their shopping spree bullshit, and get ready for my wedding which is in a little less than two weeks.” I was so tempted to tell him about my suspicions. But held myself back.

“You wanna tell me what has you so jumpy? I thought it was this but you’re still hyped as fuck. What gives?” Fucker didn’t even look up from his phone when he said it.

I looked back to make sure the door to the bedroom was closed and her nosy ass couldn’t hear me. “I think Sian might be pregnant.” Oh he was looking now. And I felt a load lift off my shoulders.

“I’m going to be an uncle?” He’s the first person I’ve told other than dad, which doesn’t count because dad is…well, dad. But I didn’t know how much his reaction to the news meant to me until he said those words.

I reached out my fist and pounded his, no words needed. “Yeah, we’re gonna have a little boy in the crew soon.” I felt the smile split my face.

“Wait, what do you mean you think? You don’t know for sure?”

I told him some of what transpired but of course left out the intimate details and his first response is one of the reasons why I want him with me wherever I go in life. “Let’s get into the doc’s files then.” My grin was answer enough.


