Dylan – Steele Riders Family Read Online C.M. Steele

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 37
Estimated words: 35751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)

“I can’t imagine who would be up there. I hardly even acknowledge women, and I don’t allow women into my home.”

“A blonde.”

“Shit. There’s only one that I’m acquainted with. I fired her two weeks ago. There’s no reason for her to even be in my home.”

“Sir, I have the elevator footage.”

“Would you happen to know how a woman got into my apartment?”

“Earlier, Tim brought her to clean it. She was supposed to make it nice for your return. I told him that I’d have to call you, but he said it was a birthday surprise.”

“Birthday surprise? My birthday’s in June.”

“Do you have footage of that?” the officer asks.

“I do. It will take me a few minutes, but I can pull it up right here.” He does some magic on his tablet, and I see him bringing in Sandra Stone dressed in a maid’s uniform and carrying a large bag.

“That’s Sandra Stone, the woman I fired.”

“Why is she carrying a large bag?” I say to myself.

“Good question.”

We continue to watch them after they get on the elevator. “You look for the documents to his bank accounts, and I’ll have a little fun punishing him for touching what didn’t belong to him,” Tim says with a smile.

“Why is everyone so damn obsessed with that mousy bitch?” He slams her against the wall of the small confines.

“Watch your fucking mouth. No one talks about Harley like that. She’s precious and perfect, something a whore like you wouldn’t know anything about.” He releases her roughly.

“You didn’t mind this whore an hour ago.”

“I was thinking of Harley.”

“You’re fucking disgusting.”

He just ignores her, but I want to shoot him again. I look over to his dead body and move closer. The officer grabs my arm.

“Calm down. He’s already dead.” His grip remains firmly on me until I take a calming breath and nod that I’m good. If I’d known this before, I might have shot him the second I stepped in the elevator. “Given the state of the place, I don’t know what happened between them, but it didn’t end well for Ms. Stone.”

“She probably opened up her mouth again,” my security guard says.

“I have no doubt. She wasn’t known for her tact and tended to speak her mind. I’m sorry that he killed her, even if I didn’t care for her.” It’s a total lie because the bitch had a part in my woman’s kidnapping.

“So, who is this Harley?”

“Wait. Did you say Harley? As in Harley Dean?” a man in a suit wearing a badge says, entering my condo.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Detective Williamson. I was actually coming to question you about Harley Dean. She’s been reported missing for almost a week.”

“Yes. Well, she was missing, but she’s now found and she’s safe.”

“And I’m supposed to believe you? You were reportedly her lover who left her, according to her cousin, Lillian.”

“Yes. We had a brief breakup and she was kidnapped by that piece of shit and another human trafficker, but I don’t know about him. All I know is she escaped and ran to safety. I went looking and found her. That’s why in the video he was asking where she was at. He knows I found her.”

They show him the elevator video, and he nods. We go over my statement, and they record it.

“I still need to be assured that Ms. Dean is alive and well.”

“I’ll call her, but that’s the best I can do at the moment.”

“Very well.” I give her a call and laugh at the time.


“Sorry to wake you, beautiful, but I miss you, Harley.”


“Of course. Who else is calling you beautiful?” I growl because she sounds so sexy and that should be just for my ears, but I have her on speaker.

“Sorry, what time is it?” she mumbles.

“One in the morning.”

A light giggle escapes her. “I’m starting to think you like waking me up at this time.” Her voice gets clearer as she wakes up.

“I tried earlier, princess, but my sleeping beauty didn’t answer, and they told me you were napping.”

“Oh, yeah. Well, someone left me exhausted.”

“Good. Get your rest because when I come back, you’re going to be tired and sore all over again.”

“You sound cheerful and wide awake.”

“I’m in bed thinking of you.” I have to lie because I don’t want her to worry.

“Funny, I’m doing the same thing.” Fuck—my dick is hard with a bunch of cops around.

“Be a good girl and listen to my uncle.”

“I will. I promise.”

“Okay. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” I hang up before we say anything else and give anything away.

“Wow, okay. So I’m getting the reason everyone is falling over themselves over her. My wife would have bit my head off if I called for nothing.”

“That’s because you have three kids and she’d wonder if you were hurt.”


“Anyway. I’d like her to come in and give a report.”


