Duke Read Online Books C.J. Washington (Fallen MC #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, MC, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fallen MC Series by C.J. Washington

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 63194 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 316(@200wpm)___ 253(@250wpm)___ 211(@300wpm)

“Oh fuck baby, what’re you doing to me?” She looked up at Duke who was twitching with every twist she gave her nipples. “Shit, you’re pussy is so wet, I can see you dripping from over here.” He licked his lips.

“I’m done waiting for you, Duke. If you don’t come over here and fuck me, I’m gonna do it myself.” She reached behind her and retrieved her wand.

“I don’t wanna hurt you. Baby, you’ve still got bruises and you’re belly is still swollen. If I caused you any pain I’d have to rip something apart.” His voice sounded like a plea.

It was time he remembered she wasn’t fragile. She turned on her wand and the buzz of vibration filled the room. She kept her eyes locked on Duke as she slowly dragged the tip between her breasts and over her stomach. Her skin pimpled with the sensation and her breathing turned to pants. She slid the wand over her pussy lips and then with her other hand separated her folds. She wasn’t ready for the ecstasy to ripple through her body at the first touch. Her eyes rolled back along with her head and a moan escaped her mouth. The fact that she knew Duke was watching made it so much hotter. She was right on the edge of coming when he seized her hand holding the wand and tore it from her grasp.

“Duke!” His name sounded more like a groan, she’d been so close.

She opened her eyes just in time to see him drop his tee shirt on the floor. His heated eyes were fixed on hers as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans. He hardly ever wore underwear so his glorious erect penis came into view right away as his jeans fell down his thick, muscled legs. He kicked them off and crawled over to her on the bed. She was desperate for the feel of his hot skin on hers. He poised the tip of his dick at her entrance but no matter how much she squirmed and begged, he wouldn’t give her an inch.

“That was fucking hot baby, but I want all your pleasure to be mine. No more fake cocks or toys for you. Your gonna get the real thing. Every. Single. Time.” His restraint snapped and he slammed his whole length into her on his first thrust. “Oh baby, don’t move, don’t move. Fuck, you’re so hot and tight. I’m back in my heaven again.”

Then he started to move. He was gentle at first but Nicole didn’t want gentle, she wanted Duke’s raw power overwhelming her. She’d missed his dominance and passion so much. She needed this connection with him, she craved it. She dug her nails into his ass and met each of his thrusts with one of her own. Soon, their actions became frenzied as they tumbled towards completion. Duke held her so tight she was sure he’d be leaving bruises of his own and she didn’t mind one bit. As the pressure became too much, they tipped over the edge into orgasm together, shouting, screaming and moaning as they did.

Nicole felt like she’d had an outer body experience. Every part of her tingled and felt revived and new. Duke’s breath panted against her neck and his weight pinned her to the bed. She’d never been so content. She turned her head to bury her nose in his neck and breathe his sexy scent into her. It was perfect. She never wanted to move and she kept all her limbs wrapped around him to make it last as long as possible. After a second and third round they both fell into an exhausted sleep, tangled around each other.


In the morning Nicole woke to the sounds of Duke banging around in the bathroom. The man had an inability to shut any drawer or door quietly. She stretched her body that was deliciously sore after their night together. She felt floppy, sated and overwhelmingly happy. A smile spread across her face as she thought of enticing Duke into a repeat performance this morning. It fell when Duke came out of the bathroom fully dressed.

“Hey babe. Where you off to so early?”

“Morning, baby. Got some shit to do and didn’t wanna wake you. I’ll only be gone a few hours. I’ll be back before you know it.”

He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before practically jogging to the door. Something wasn’t right. He seemed almost nervous which was not like him at all. But she knew not to ask too many questions, this was MC life after all. If he could tell her, he would. She dragged herself out of bed and took a shower. Everyday she’d been waited on hand and foot since the incident and today she was determined to change that and make everyone pancakes for breakfast. She dressed quickly in one of Duke’s shirts and her yoga pants but before she even got to the door it opened to reveal Slam with her regular toast and cereal. Guess her plan to cook for the brothers would have to wait until lunch.

“Hey Nic. Got your brekkie here for you. You gonna come eat with me?”

Slam didn’t seem himself either. He wasn’t talking to her, he was talking to her stomach that was hidden under the shirt. His eyes hadn’t shifted from there since he came in.

“Sure, you know I love our breakfast club.” She settled at the small table in the apartment kitchen. “What, no coffee this morning Slam? It’s not like you to forget my much needed morning caffeine.” She winked so he knew she was just teasing him but his face blushed in response. Why was everyone being weird today? “Slam, are you okay?”

She saw him take a deep, slow breath before responding, “I need to talk to you.”

“You know you can talk to me about anything. Go ahead.” She hoped that eased his mind because at the moment he looked like he was about to have a breakdown.


