Dream Spinner (Dream Team #3) Read Online Kristen Ashley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Dream Team Series by Kristen Ashley

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 138315 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 692(@200wpm)___ 553(@250wpm)___ 461(@300wpm)

“Right, we have movement,” Hawk said in a way they all knew he was ending it. “Not much, but there’s something there now when before, we had nothing. Cisco and I are still on Mamá to get to Lynn and Heidi. For now, we just had a huge fuckin’ wake-up call to stay smart and vigilant. Let’s not drop that ball.”

There was more murmuring of concurrence.

And the meeting was adjourned.

* * *

After the meet, they’d had time to grill burgers at Lottie and Mo’s while the women continued to do whatever women did at a bridal shower.

Hawk joined them, and not only because his wife, Gwen, was at the shower.

Boone was pissed.

And Axl had walked into the meeting raw from a conversation with Hattie.

Boone wasn’t hiding his and Hawk was the kind of man, part because he was their boss, part because he was a good guy, and part because he was a vet himself, who would not miss the kind of raw Axl was feeling.

Not to mention, one of his own was imminently getting married to a fine woman who loved him more than her own life.

So he stuck with his men.

They all started getting texts, though, and none of them fucked around with moving out to go to their women.

As Axl passed the house, he saw Hattie come out of it and he knew she’d been watching for him.

Looking out for him.

Feelings invaded, some of them bad—Jordan coming up, how he hadn’t handled that well with Hattie.

A lot of them good, culminating in him having to park three houses down from Jet and Eddie’s, but by the time he got out of the Jeep, Hattie was skip-running his way.

He was on the grassy verge up from the curb, hadn’t even made the sidewalk, when she hit him, and he immediately curved his arms around her.

She arched in, one arm around his shoulders, one hand wrapped around the back of his neck.

She’d gripped his neck like that before.

That night they made love.

He knew right then it was her brand, hot on his skin in a way that radiated out and released the tension from his neck and shoulders better than any steam or massage.

“Hi,” she said softly.

Christ, his girl was something.

“Hey,” he replied. “Have fun?”

“It was a blast.”

He grinned at her, but it was small, and it died fast.

“Babe—” he started.

“You don’t have to—”

“I do.”

She went quiet.

“I wasn’t ready to talk about that piece, or Jordan. But you’re right. It’s a part of me and with what we’re building, I need to give it to you. And I should have just said I wasn’t ready instead of being a dick to you.”

“And you were right,” she instantly returned. “That wasn’t about me. I should have let it go and then brought it up later, letting you know it was important to me to have it, but you could give it to me when the time was right for you.”

“Okay, but I could have been cooler in how I communicated to you.”

“Axl, honey, I want you just as you are. Not diluted. Not careful with every step you take or word you say. You were feeling something, and you let it out. My point is, I can take it.”

“Yes, I know, you’ve been taking a lot from your father for a really fuckin’ long time.”

Her entire head jerked, her curls bouncing.

“That’s not like my dad.”


Her hand on his neck squeezed hard.

“Axl, it is not one thing like my dad. We’re going to fight. There are going to be times when you’re not cool, or I’m not cool. We just experienced one. That isn’t like what my dad does. It’s being in a relationship.”

His voice dipped. “I never wanna hurt you, Hattie.”

Emotions moved over her features, at first surprised, then gorgeous and shining.

Oh yeah.

She was falling in love with him.

Maybe already there.

After today, he knew he was.

And wasn’t that the fuck of it.

Jordan would have been all over his ass for being a dick to Hattie.

But he would have loved it, knowing a fight that was partly about him, led Axl to truly realize the kind of woman Hattie was and that she was the woman for him.

“Please stop being so hard on yourself,” she urged. “That upsets me. Having honest reactions and being real with me does not.”


She was the woman for him.

On that thought, he decided it was time to kiss her hello.

So that was what he did.

And he did such a complete job of it, Elvira clicked by them, ordering, “Good Lord, take it to a room.”

That was also a good idea.

So Axl broke the kiss, took her hand, moved her to his Jeep and helped her in.

Then he got in and took them to a room.


Stolen Base


It was Sunday morning, they were out on the deck with fresh coffee, warm biscuits from a tube that Axl had thrown into the oven, a plate of butter and a jar of apple butter.


