Dream Spinner (Dream Team #3) Read Online Kristen Ashley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Dream Team Series by Kristen Ashley

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 138315 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 692(@200wpm)___ 553(@250wpm)___ 461(@300wpm)

When he again caught her eyes, her gaze had grown soft and she was now pressing even closer.

“You told me I looked beautiful, I didn’t get to tell you how handsome you look,” she said.

“Thanks, honey,” he replied.

“And just in case I get lost in the fabulous drinks, food, atmosphere and company, and forget to say it later, thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for making this special. Thank you for knowing this is important.”

He thought he knew where that was coming from, after hearing her talk about being a number with that idiot she’d dated, so he shared, “You need to know, when I’m with someone, I’m with them. Boiling that down, I’m a one-woman guy.”

She appeared confused for a beat before she pressed even closer and said, “Thank you for that, but no …I mean, this. Us. Here. Finally. And just, well … us. Which is special. And important. And thank you for knowing that, showing that and giving it to me.”

All right.

He was done.

The dress, the shoes, the hair, the made-up eyes, the perfume, and her being so fucking sweet?

He couldn’t take more.

So he slid a hand up her jaw, into her hair, turned to her at the same time pulling her up to him, and he kissed her.

And it was not fitting his lips to hers and then tasting them briefly with his tongue.

He didn’t make out with her, but he didn’t leave her in any doubt about how he felt about what she just said.

He kept his hand in her hair and Hattie close when he ended it.

“Never been so proud to have a woman on my arm as I was walking that two and a half blocks with you.”

Her eyes grew large.

“Same, sitting right here … with you,” he continued. “So, in case I forget later, bein’ here beside you, the food, booze and atmosphere, thank you for giving me that.”

“You’re awesome,” she breathed.

He smiled. “Love you think that.”

“It’s true.”

“Love you think that.”

Her eyelids went half-mast and did a fluttery thing, not flirty, more semi-annoyed, semi-perplexed.

“Axl, you are,” she stressed.

“Okay, baby,” he replied, still smiling, but unfortunately having to slide his fingers out of her soft hair seeing as he could probably keep them there for a fuckuva long time, but it’d be hard to eat if he did.

“Do you not think you’re awesome?” she asked hesitantly.

“Do you want a guy who thinks he’s awesome?” he asked in return.

She tipped her head a little, her curls sliding over her bare shoulders when she did in a way he felt in his dick almost more than the dress, then she turned more fully to him, which meant her breast was now pressed full into his arm.


Dinner was going to be agony and ecstasy, he already knew that.

But he didn’t know just how deep that would go.

“I see your point,” she relented.

“So I’m awesome and you’re the most beautiful woman in this room,” he remarked,

She lifted up and gave him a smile that was absolutely flirty, as well as cock-hardeningly playful, and said, “I totally am.”

He burst out laughing.

And then their cocktails came.




So, how’d it go?”

It was late the next morning and Axl and Auggie were in one of the company Hummers.

It was rare any member of the team went out in one because—shiny, black, and kitted way the fuck out—they were known by a certain element of Denver and the crew tended to operate in most cases in stealth mode.

But where they were going, they were making a statement.

Axl was driving, Auggie in the passenger seat, and they’d reached their destination, so Axl was scanning for a parking spot.

He also answered Auggie’s question about his date with Hattie.


“It didn’t go well?” Auggie sounded flipped out.

This was understandable, partly because Aug knew how hard Axl had worked to get last night, and partly because Auggie was next up with Pepper.

If he ever pulled his finger out.

Axl found a spot on the street and started maneuvering into it, saying, “When she’s not shy, she babbles. It’s not annoying or nervous and incomprehensible. It’s her and it’s cute. She reads. She’s got interesting takes on movies that are deeper than the norm. She’s curious about me and doesn’t hide it. She’s into me and doesn’t hide that either.”

“That doesn’t sound like torture,” Aug noted when Axl quit speaking.

He shut down the Hummer and turned to his friend. “And she was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress that was very short, her heels were very high, her hair was down, and at the end of the date, I took her to my place where she changed to go to work. Then after work, I picked her up and took her back to my place, where she slept in my bed and I slept on the couch. And right now, seeing as she left work after two in the morning, I suspect she’s still in my bed.”


