Drake (Pittsburgh Titans #5) Read Online Sawyer Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Pittsburgh Titans Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92180 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

“Thanks for understanding,” she says, brushing her lips against mine for a soft kiss. “This was incredible.”

My arms tighten around her. I don’t want to leave, but I need to. “Don’t stay up working too late, okay?”

She snorts. “It’s cute that you think you can dictate such things.”

Maybe I should cart her off to bed and keep her occupied. Fuck her again, wear her out, and make her sleep.

No, asshole. That’s not your problem.

Anything that Brienne Norcross does outside the boundaries of our extremely amazing sex doesn’t concern me.

“Are you coming on the next road trip?” I ask. It’s five days away and that sucks, but it’s the best I can do. On the plus side, it’s a four-day trip over two cities, so there’s potential to spend a few nights with her.

“I’m pretty sure I’m going,” she says with a smile. “As long as no emergencies pop up.”

Not the best answer. I know I certainly don’t want to wait that long to see her again, but I’ve got responsibilities.

Kids to care for. Hockey to play.

I kiss her jaw. “Then hopefully I’ll see you in five days.”

“Until then,” she whispers.



The phone on my desk buzzes, and I note it’s Tina’s extension. I connect.

“Ms. Norcross, I have Gary Breit on line one.”

“Thank you,” I reply and press the flashing button. “Hi, Gary. Tell me you closed the deal?”

“I’m sorry, Brienne. They’re not budging.”

“Is there anything that will convince them?” I ask, tapping my pen on the desk and staring out the window at the Pittsburgh skyline.

Gary sighs, and I picture him taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. He’s my closest strategic advisor and handles most negotiations for me. He’s right across the river at my Fifth Avenue office, which I hardly go to anymore unless there’s a board meeting. “I think they need to see you.”

“What’s wrong with you?” I quip.

He laughs. “I’m not Brienne Norcross, head of an empire. You need to get visible again.”

“Meaning?” I drawl, but I know what he’ll say.

“You’re spending too much time across the river.”

I snort. “Funny how the deal we’re talking about is in Mannheim, Germany. Why does it matter which office in Pittsburgh I operate from?”

“Don’t be obtuse,” he chides. “You know what I mean. The board is getting antsy because you are putting a lot of time and energy into the team.”

“We’re rebuilding.”

“I get it. Trust me, your team gets it. The city of Pittsburgh gets it. But the potential global investors we deal with on a daily basis don’t understand. They only care if you’re steering the Norcross ship.”

I drop my pen and rub my neck. He’s not wrong. I’ve spent a lot of time focused on the Titans because it’s kept me close to Adam. I haven’t been able to let him go, but I can’t let others who depend on me suffer. “Set up a meeting. I can be in Mannheim by tomorrow evening.”

“On it,” he says and disconnects.

I hang up and slide right back into reviewing the quarterly reports for Norcross Bank. I’m not so immersed that I don’t hear my office door open, and my head pops up because no one enters without knocking.

I’m startled to see Drake standing there. It’s game day, so he’s wearing a suit, but there’s no reason he should be here in my office.

Not that I’m displeased. My mouth waters just looking at him.

Completely at ease, he shuts the door and walks my way. He unbuttons his suit jacket and settles down into a chair opposite my desk. The juxtaposition between the dapper, well-tailored suit and his messy blond hair pulled back coupled with his full beard makes him the most fascinating man I’ve ever seen. The tattoos don’t hurt either.

“You don’t have an appointment,” I say bluntly.

“The man who gives you orgasms gets special dispensation,” he replies easily, and damn it, he makes me laugh.

“Missed you at the gym this morning.” I settle back into my chair, crossing one leg over the other.

“Decided to have a lazy morning with the boys,” he replies. “Homemade chocolate chip pancakes.”

I smile, because that’s about as sweet as it gets. “You’re a good dad, Drake.”

He smiles back, but it’s not sweet. It’s wicked. “I do regret not being there to watch you, though.”

Laughing, I shake my head as I sigh wistfully. “Sometimes I’d kill for a lazy morning.”

“So give yourself one,” he says.

“One day,” I muse, then execute a swift change of subject. “I enjoyed meeting your children and Kiera at the last home game. Your kids are really cute. Look just like you, minus the beard, long hair, and tattoos.”

Drake chuckles. “They’re good boys. My sister’s not bad either.”

“I’m glad you have someone here to depend on.”

“Me too.” His voice is gruff, maybe a bit emotional. He’s not had a lot of people he could trust. Then his expression changes, goes from softly musing to radiating intensity. “I can’t stop thinking about our night in Boston.”


