Drake (Fated Dragon Daddies #1) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fated Dragon Daddies Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45585 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

“Six and one more on the way. My mom’s ready for the dragons to come back and stop this nonsense,” she said, obviously quoting what she’d heard many times at home.

Stephanie rushed to add, “She’s just kidding. Mom and Dad love all their kids, even if we are a noisy lot. Let me tell your waitress you’re here.”

“Thank you, Stephanie. I will mention your kindness to the green dragon’s mate when we see her.”

“That would be amazing. Thank you.” The hostess left with a happy grin.

“What happened when we were outside?” Aurora leaned in to ask quietly.

“The dragon inside me bristled and prepared to fight to protect you from something. Bringing you inside instead of rumbling in the parking lot seemed to be the least conspicuous choice. Everything is okay now. Besides, you are hungry.”

Knowing she would get nothing more out of him, she changed the subject. “Are there many who know the old ways?”

“In recent years, the number is dwindling. The ways of the world have changed. Many haven’t learned that not everything is available on a phone or through an internet search. Perhaps someday people will look up to see the dragons flying instead of down at their screens.”

“My grandmother and father knew. I had not been told,” Aurora mentioned before falling silent when their server appeared.

“Hi. I’m Abby. What can I get you to drink?”

“I would like a cola,” Aurora said with a smile.

“Whatever beer you have on tap will be great. Small sized, please, and a glass of water for us both.”

“Got it. Do you know what you want to eat?”

“Order your favorite, Aurora.”

“A deluxe, thick pizza with extra cheese and black olives,” Aurora answered without hesitation.

“Mozzarella or some feta as well?” the waitress asked after nodding.

“Double mozzarella with a sprinkling of feta, too.”

“You are after my own heart. That sounds amazing,” Abby complimented. “What size?”

“Large,” Drake answered for her.

“You got it. I’ll be back with your drinks as soon as I put your order in.”

When she left, Aurora leaned in to say, “I wish they’d told me as I was growing up. It wouldn’t have shocked me so much.”

“Remember that only the families who were there for the settlement of Wyvern pledged their daughters as possible mates to the dragons. Some of those families didn’t survive. Others have moved away. Only thirty families are still in the area. A dragon may go several generations before needing a mate. The need to share with each generation is not as important. Usually, there is a family member that safeguards the information for future mates.”

“My grandmother.”

“And I suspect she is teaching your father.”

“That’s why he knew. There’s not something happening to my grandmother, is there? Some reason she has to pass on the information?”

“I did not smell illness. It could be that she is just very wise and isn’t leaving the information until the last moment.”

“That sounds like my grandmother.”

“Here are your drinks.”

This time, Aurora tested a theory. She rested her hand on the table where the server could see her tattoo as she set down their glasses.

“Love the nails,” Abby told her.


When she’d departed again, Aurora asked, “She can’t see the dragon on my hand?”

“Only those who know the history of Wyvern and the protectors will see it.”

“And the dragons, of course.”

A menacing, growling voice brought Drake to his feet. He moved to stand between Aurora and the new arrival she’d barely glimpsed. “Keres, you dare show yourself here?”

“Of course. You will not risk your mate to attack me.”

The gravelly voice sent a wave of mistrust through her. She peeked from behind Drake, needing to see who threatened them. When Keres’s eyes focused on her, Drake shifted to keep her out of sight.

Exasperated by the male posturing, Aurora stood and spoke loudly so the other dragon could hear her even through Drake’s bulk. “Stop acting like ancient warriors. It isn’t Drake’s fault he met his mate and you haven’t yet. Has it ever dawned on you that I know everyone who went to school here? I might be able to introduce you to someone.”

“Your mate is untrained, Drake. That is dangerous. Her error in being out in the open could have been due to your recent claiming, but now, I think you’ve softened in your old age and have forgotten how to keep a mate safe.”

“Stop trying to aggravate me, Keres. It will not work. But make another move toward my mate and I will eliminate you.”

“Yoohoo! I’m listening. Did you hear what I said?” she asked over the music.

Keres looked from her face to Drake’s. “She has no idea that I can hear the bartender cutting limes in the back?”

“She does not,” Drake allowed.

Aurora poked him in the back and whispered furiously, “You didn’t think you should tell me you have super hearing?”

“Not when another dragon approaches with the intent to hurt you,” Drake reminded her.


