Drake (Fated Dragon Daddies #1) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fated Dragon Daddies Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45585 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

She pleases me.

Drake agreed with his dragon. Aurora pleased him, too.

Shifting into his human form, Drake stalked forward to scoop his mate into his arms. He considered tossing her over his shoulder but didn’t want to upset her full stomach. Carrying her through the house to the large bathroom in his suite, he sat her on the vanity and stripped off her shoes.

The need to wash off anyone or anything that had possibly touched her ignited inside him. Drake knew it was ridiculous but the primal side of him needed to remove anyone else’s scent from her. Even on her cute canvas sneakers.

He threw them into the shower stall and lifted her back into his arms. She guessed where he was going quickly.

“Wait, Drake! I have my phone. All my stuff. Stop!”

He flipped on the water and let it begin to warm up as he set her in a dry area of the stall. “We will disinfect your purse later,” he growled, dropping it just around the corner.

“Are you some kind of germaphobe?” she asked, looking at him in concern.

“I can smell someone’s scent on you. That can’t happen. Not now. Maybe not ever,” he growled.

“Drake, this is ridiculous. You can’t make me shower every time we’re out in public.”

“Watch me. Take a deep breath.”

Holding her tightly against his body, Drake walked into the stream of warm water. He held her under the flow for several seconds before setting her feet on the tiled floor. Drake stepped back to allow the flow to reach the front of her body that had been pressed against him. As she sputtered her indignation, he stripped off her socks and tossed them into the far corner.

“What is wrong with you?” she demanded, sweeping her wet hair out of her face and wiping the water from her eyes as he unfastened her pants and pushed her jeans and underwear down.

“The only scent you can wear is mine.”

“That’s incredibly animalistic, Drake.”

Arching one eyebrow, he just looked up at her as he lifted each of her feet to strip off the soaked clothing that clung to them.

“Okay, that was a stupid thing for me to say. But the human side of you has to know this is too much, right?”

Drake didn’t even answer that question. Of course it wasn’t too much. His human side didn’t like that others had touched her, either. The saturated material soon made a heavy splotch sound as it landed in the corner. As he stood, Drake stripped off her shirt. When it and her bra joined the drenched pile, he quickly undressed himself as she stood under the warm water.

“You’re not going to answer me?” she asked.

“No, I don’t think this is too much. You’re lucky I didn’t tear people’s arms off that hugged you goodbye.”

“It was just Angelino’s family. You’ve known them for years.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Reaching for the liquid soap she preferred, Drake poured a lot into his hand and tugged her away from the water. As he stroked the silky cleanser over her skin, he could feel her body reacting to his touch. A faint blush spread over her chest as he washed her arms. When he leaned in to kiss her, Drake could smell others on her cheeks.

“Close your eyes.” Tamping down his body’s reaction, he quickly washed her face and neck before guiding her into the spray to wash off the lather.

This time when he turned her around, Drake captured her lips in a heated exchange. “Mine,” he growled against her mouth.

“Yours,” she agreed, clinging to his shoulders for stability.

Forcing himself back, Drake stepped out of his Italian leather shoes, kicking them into the corner with everything else. His pants and shirt soon joined the pile, and he could focus all his attention on her.

Aurora watched him with hungry eyes. Her teeth trapped one side of her lower lip as she scanned his body. His dragon loved seeing the heat in her eyes. So did his human side. Drake rubbed his hand over his lower abdomen and up his chest, drawing her gaze with his movements. As if she couldn’t help herself, Aurora reached out to smooth her hand over his chest. Heat blazed on his skin following the path of her touch.

Prowling forward, Drake pinned her against the tiled wall. Her gasp at the contrast between the cool surface behind her and his fiery bulk provided the perfect opportunity for him to kiss her deeply. Her fingers dug into his skin, urging him on. Drake slid his hands around her to cup her bottom.

He lifted her to fit against his body. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she circled his neck with her arms. The feel of her silken skin against him felt better than anything should. Her arousal filled his nostrils as her slick juices coated his erection.


