Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

“Yeah,” she breathed. “Damn it, you’re going to make me cry! These freaking hormones!”

“He loves you, Keeks. More than life itself.”

“I know.” She sniffled loudly.

“Want me an’ Em to have what you an’ he got.”

“Shut up before I run out of tissues and have to use my sleeve!”

Dawg chuckled.



“You’re a good man. Never doubt that, hear me?”

“Yeah,” he mumbled before the phone went dead.

“Talked to Kiki. She’s got everything filed.”

Emma stared up at the large man who had pulled her away from the customer she’d been trying to talk into a lap dance with Cocoa. Luckily, Cocoa noticed Dawg dragging her away and slipped in next to the customer to get the sale.

Emma should be relieved at Dawg’s news, but it made her stomach twist more than anything. This was only the beginning of what she expected to be a long, difficult fight. One she was not looking forward to at all.

Her husband’s family had money. If they wanted to, they could drag out not only the divorce, but the custody agreement and certainly fight the restraining order.

“And what’s going on with Diesel and his men locating her?”

Dawg hadn’t said anything lately, and she didn’t want to keep bugging, but he had told her several times already that Diesel’s men were experts at finding people who didn’t want to be found. So if anyone could find her husband and daughter, it would be them.

“Think they got a location. On their way to check it out.”

Her heart raced with the anticipation of possibly getting her daughter back soon. “Is she okay?”

“Yeah, baby girl, she’s okay. Have a feelin’ she’ll be home soon. ‘Cause of that, need to have a talk.”

Her stomach flipped. “What kind of talk?”

“’Bout us. What’s gonna happen when Lily gets home. ‘Cause she is comin’ home, baby girl. No doubt.”

He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the back of the club. She followed as fast as her heels would allow. “Slow down! Where are we going?”

“Upstairs. Need quiet an’ privacy.”

This sounded serious. She wasn’t sure if she liked the sound of this whole thing. “Is this a serious talk?”

He glanced over his shoulder at her. “Baby girl, stop askin’ questions an’ walk faster, will you?”

“But the club...”

“Moose got it handled.”


“No lip, woman.”

Her mouth dropped open, then she snapped it shut. “Well, you’re being awfully bossy.”

“Yeah,” he grunted.


If he was going to be bossy, then she was going to ask a million questions, which drove him nuts. “We couldn’t talk in your office?”

“Fuckin’ Em, the questions!”

Emma giggled. “You don’t like all of my questions?”

“Fuckin’ killin’ me here.”

Fighting back her smirk, she asked, “How am I killin’ you?”

With a growl, Dawg picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder, making her squeal with laughter. He plowed through the back door of the club and up the stairs to his apartment, his shoulder knocking the air out her lungs with each determined step he took.

“Am I heavy?” she asked as soon as she got her breath back.

“Gonna give you a damn spankin’.”

“And what reason do you have to spank me?”

With another growl he strode through the apartment and back to the bedroom to throw her on the bed, where she landed with a bounce, her hair falling over her face. She swept it away just in time to see him stripping off his cut and shirt, exposing his broad tattooed chest.

And that really got her in the gut. The man was beautiful. She’d seen him naked more times than she could count by now and he still made her heart flutter and her insides get warm when he took his clothes off.

Who would have thought some heavily tattooed biker who wore clunky silver jewelry and sported a beard would turn her on so much?

Not her.

But the man before her drove her crazy in a good way.

“Aren’t we going to talk?”

“Got lots to talk ‘bout. First gonna fuck.”

His low, gravelly voice announcing they were “gonna fuck” made her pussy clench. “Why?”

He paused in unbuttoning his jeans. “Why?”

“Yes, why?”

“Emma,” he growled.

“What?” she asked, then rolled her lips under to hide her amusement.

“Holy fuck. Never heard anyone ask so many fuckin’ questions as you.”


He snorted. Then he undid his boots, yanked them and his socks off, tossing them across the room. As soon as he shoved his jeans down, along with his boxers, he dove onto the bed, tackling her.

Emma lost her breath as his weight hit her, and she squealed as he shoved his bearded face into her neck and rubbed the wiry whiskers against her skin.

She giggled, digging her fingers into his hair and yanked his head back. “You’re bad. We should be working.”

“Don’t think the manager’s gonna care.” He pushed one of the straps of her dress off her shoulder and down her arm, so he could latch his lips onto her hard, aching nipple. Rolling her head back, she gasped when the pull of his mouth drew a line of lightning straight from her breast directly to her pussy.


