Double the Fun Read online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 245(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)

Rys handed her and William their beers, and then the conversation started. She stood there listening, participating occasionally, but feeling wholly comfortable as she absorbed to the friendly banter of the guys. Did they realize Rys kept stroking the exposed skin at the small of her back or that William kept brushing his fingers along hers? Being around friendly faces had her easing, relaxing, and actually enjoying the company.

Hours passed, and her hand was never empty of a new beer. A good buzz settled into her body, and she found herself laughing at the idiotic but hilarious things the guys were talking about. The cheesy yet disgustingly sexual jokes were coming more and more the more they drank. It was funny as hell, and she was glad she agreed to come. Her bladder screamed at her, and she shifted on her feet. William dipped his head so his lips were close to her ear.

“Honey, you have to pee or are you trying out a new jig?” The laughter in his voice was clear, and she glared at him at the same time she elbowed his side. All she came up against was solid muscle. “Come on, Janey.”

“I can go by myself. You don’t have to leave everyone just to watch me pee.”

“I know you can. I just feel better knowing that a vagrant won’t kidnap you while you’re squatting.”

A burst of laughter left her, and she peeked around at the guys. No one paid her any mind. “Okay, William.” She wasn’t going to argue, because truth be told, she wanted to spend more time with him, even if he was just walking her to pee.

The neck of his beer was between his thumb and forefinger, and he lifted it to his lips and took a long pull from it. Handing the now empty bottle over to one of the guys, he slipped his hand in hers and told Rys he was “escorting Janey to take a leak.” The smirk Rys gave her had her cheeks heating. William led them past the guys and into the thick line of trees that bordered the bonfire. Jane didn’t miss a few curious glances as they passed. No one gave her a dirty look, but the people Brooklyn associated with weren’t douchebags.

The sounds of the party faded the deeper they went in the woods, and she told William to stay put while she disappeared behind a rather large oak tree. When she was finished and stepped away from the tree, she saw William leaning against the tree across from her, his hands in his front pockets and one knee bent on the trunk.

“Hey.” He smiled at her, his teeth straight and white and flashing in the darkness.

“Hey, yourself.” She took a few more steps forward until she stood right in front of him. The smell of his cologne washed over her, and she sighed.

“You look pretty tonight.” He lifted his hand and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Jane looked down at herself, noting that she was only wearing a pair of jean shorts and a T-shirt. “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” She gazed down his body. He wore a pair of cargo shorts that hung to his knees and a white short-sleeved button-up shirt. His skin, even in the darkness, looked golden and delectable. Sidling closer to him, she pressed her chest to him and rose up on her toes to press her lips to his. He groaned and speared his hands in her hair, bringing her closer and kissing her deeper.

“You feel so good, Janey.”

She could have said the same thing about him. She could feel how aroused he was as his erection pressed into her belly. In that moment, with so many people just feet away from them, Jane wanted William between her thighs. She wanted to feel his hips thrusting against hers, shoving his cock deep inside her.

“I want you, William. Right now. Please.” She opened her mouth wider, taking his tongue deeper into her mouth. Sliding her hand down the front of his body, she rubbed his cock through his shorts, eliciting a rough groan from him.

“Right here, sweetheart?” He panted against her mouth. “I don’t want to take you like some kind of animal.” She could tell he was trying to sound concerned, but the hardness of his arousal let her know he was right on board with what she wanted, no matter what he said.

“Yes. Right here.” Gripping him harder through his cargos, she rubbed her chest more firmly against his, loving how her nipples hardened. His body was so hard, so muscular. It was like he hadn’t wanted to touch her since she told them what really happened with her father, but what he didn’t understand is that she needed their touch. It was the only thing that was helping her get through the fucked-up things that happened.


