Double the Fun Read online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 245(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)

“Martin is a slimy bastard, but I have to give him props for the uniforms.” His mouth found the spot where her neck and shoulder met. Letting her head fall back, Janey closed her eyes and gripped his shoulders for support. Rys was wickedly talented with his mouth and tongue, and she found herself clamping her thighs together to try to stop the flow of moisture. She stood there in a thin bra and plain white panties, but she felt bare to him. The feel of his chest, so warm and hard, pressing against her breasts caused her nipples to grow erect from the friction.

“You taste so good, smell so fucking good.”

Air sawed in and out of her lungs at the sound of his gruff words. “I probably smell like french fries and pizza.” Rys ran his tongue up her throat and sucked at her pulse point.

“No, baby. You taste like peach cobbler and smell like vanilla ice cream.” He sucked at her skin harder until she felt the prickling sensation of her blood being drawn to the surface. Fingers slipped beneath the elastic of her shoulder straps and slowly dragged them down her arms. The cups moved under her breasts, causing the mounds to pop free and be pushed up. Rys’s mouth hovered over her nipple for a drawn-out moment. Jane wanted to cry out for him to put his lips around her, to suck on her flesh and ease her ache.

“Don’t worry, baby. I won’t make you suffer.” His mouth latched on the rigid tissue, drawing it in deep, making it impossibly harder. Had she spoken out loud, actually cried out her desires? She must have, because Rys was suckling at her breast while he massaged the other. The sting of his teeth nicking the sensitive tissue had air hissing between her teeth. Jane opened her eyes at the sound of flesh popping free and gazed at him as fire licked through her core.

“Rys.” Licking her lips, she squirmed when he attacked her other nipple. The flesh hadn’t felt neglected until his mouth landed on it. He smoothed his tongue on the tissue while he cupped the underside of her breast, his thumb tracing the curve.

He pulled away, and her eyes dropped to the impressive stiff length that stood out from his body. “Come on, Jane.” His eyes flicked to her panties. “Take them off for me. Nice. And. Slow.” A shiver worked through her as she gripped the edge and slid the material down her thighs. When she stood in front of him without a stitch of clothing on, he didn’t make a move to touch her. No words were spoken as he took in every inch of her body.

“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” With those words low and heated, he made her feel like there wasn’t another woman on the planet who compared to her. “Come here.” She slipped her hand into his outstretched one. They walked toward the pond, and she dipped her toe in. The water was chilled, but she knew as soon as she went in that she would acclimate to it. Besides, Rys’s warm body would no doubt be pressed against hers and keep her warm.

They waded into the water until the cool liquid skimmed the tops of her breasts. A chill worked up her spine, and Rys was immediately there, his arms wrapped around her waist. Jane wrapped her legs around his hips, feeling the stiffness of his cock press against her folds, teasing her, making her pussy throb. With her arms around his neck and her legs snug around his lean hips, Rys moved them deeper into the water until her whole body was submerged. Lips clashing, they kissed hard and deep, their tongues moving, pressing, seducing.

The feel of smooth rocks against her back had her breaking away and gasping for air. He slipped his hand down her ass, cupping the cheek, while he braced the other one on the rocky ledge beside her. He had moved her to the edge of the pond, and she had been too focused on the feel of his mouth on hers to realize it.

Fingers delving in the crease of her bottom, Rys stroked the pad of one digit over the puckered hole. She bit her lip, her legs shaking from the intensity of that one small touch. Like a fiend for his body, Jane started rubbing her pussy along the stiff length of him. The water moved around them, sliding against their bodies in an intimate caress.

The bud of her clit bumped against his pelvis, sending shockwaves through her core and giving her the need to go faster. Up and down she moved, climbing faster toward that explosive pleasure she only found with Rys and William. Their mouths melded, lips moved sensually, tongues dueling for supremacy. It felt good, so good that the sensation of her orgasm peaking and then crashing over the edge had her grinding her hips into Rys wantonly and moaning in abandon. His mouth moved down to her neck. He grunted his own pleasure as she rode out the exquisite torture.


