Double Tap Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Code 11-KPD SWAT #2)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Code 11-KPD SWAT Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 70630 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

Keeping the man in my view, I looked at the woman as she said, “I don’t want to press charges. I didn’t even want to tell him.”

I blinked and shook my head. “Y’all go home. Next time pick a better place.”

They both went to a Harley Davidson Motorcycle, the girl driving, and sped off.

All the while I watched as the man hugged himself around the woman tightly as the woman grimaced.

What. The. Fuck?

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out as I started into the parking lot.

Georgia: I love it when I get to hear you use your cop voice.

I looked up and spotted my wife through the window. I winked before getting into my car.

Me: I can use it on you later. Wait up for me. Naked.

I watched her throw her head back and laugh, making my heart a smidge lighter than it’d been before arriving on scene.

Georgia: Sure. I’ll see what I can do. Will you be home on time?

Me: Yep. I’ll be home early.

I pulled into traffic but immediately flipped my light on when I saw a man in a faded black Oldsmobile take a drink from a beer directly in front of me.

Mother. Fucker.

Georgia: I’ll believe that when I see it.


It didn’t happen. In fact, I was late.

There’d been a midget wrestling contest going on at the rodeo grounds, and needless to say, it got out of hand.

I arrived home to my plate in the fridge covered in plastic wrap. My beer that I’d told Georgia to put in the freezer for me exploded, and nobody awake.

These were the days that I hated the most.

It was the boys’ birthday and I’d missed the entire thing.

Sure, they knew that I wasn’t able to be there for some holidays and birthdays, but it didn’t help my guilt any knowing I’d missed them opening their presents.


I ate my dinner cold, and left the half empty beer on the table. I’d clean it up tomorrow.

I checked the house, double checking the locks, and then walked into my room.

I undressed in the bathroom and left my gun up high on a shelf where I always stored it as soon as I got home. Then went into the bedroom.

I slid in bed beside my wife, thinking for sure I’d be falling to sleep the instant my head hit the pillow.

I was, of fucking course, wrong.

Firstly, because my side of the bed was inhabited by a hundred and fifty seven pound Saint Bernard named Hamburger.

The big bastard always took my side of the bed when I wasn’t home if Georgia was already asleep.

The second reason I wouldn’t be falling to sleep as fast as I’d like was because I felt what distinctly felt like a foot on the other side of the massive dog. One that most definitely was not one of Georgia’s since I’d seen her head on the pillow when I’d walked in the room.

And she sure as fuck wasn’t that flexible, ‘cause I’d sure as hell know that about her by now with as much as we’d fucked over the last four years.

A loud snore from Hamburger had me laughing silently as I took a hold of his collar and moved him slowly to the floor.

He grumbled, but didn’t waste much time collapsing on the floor with a large ‘harrumph’ and a soft groan.

I just shook my head and moved our youngest child, Bell, over.

I knew instantly why she was in bed with us.

She was burning up.

My eyes moved over to Georgia and I called her name softly. “Mi amor, when was the last time she had Tylenol?”

Georgia’s eyes blinked open, and she smiled tiredly at me. “About twenty minutes ago.”

I nodded and tried to concentrate, but a crime show was on the television.

Bell had to have light, and we didn’t have a nightlight, so we used the TV when we needed to.

It was annoying as fuck as I watched CSI and solved the murder within the first five minutes of watching it. Then continued to watch it until it was over. I also hated watching it and seeing everything they did wrong.

Seriously, would it hurt the show’s producers to do a little research before they go around rewriting the law to suit their needs?

“Go to sleep,” Georgia whispered quietly.

I smiled and rolled over, looking at my baby girl.

Her cheeks were pink from the fever, and she was naked except for a diaper. The tail end of her favorite blanket made by my mother poking out from between her clenched fists.

My eyes moved up to Georgia’s face, seeing the similarities between two of the most important women in my life. God they were beautiful.

I was so fuckin’ lucky.

“Nico?” Georgia asked softly.

I looked from my daughter’s curly mass of black hair to my wife. The love of my life. The mother of my children.

“Yeah, baby love?” I asked.

“Does this mean we can’t go back there to eat anymore?” She yawned.

I snorted. “Unfortunately. I went back later in the night and arrested the cook for selling pot to a bus boy and a couple of waitresses. Took nearly half their staff. They’re not really happy with me, to be honest.”

She just shook her head. She was used to it. We had a string of restaurants we couldn’t go to, because I arrested someone there, or we just plain didn’t like it.

I no longer surprised her with my stories anymore.

She’d heard it all and then some.

The woman was a miracle. My miracle.

“Night, Nico. Go to sleep. You’re on duty tomorrow,” she whispered.

I wanted to argue, but I knew it was my turn to get up with the kids. She only got to pull that card once a week, so I’d give her that play.

My eyes were closed for less than an instant when they shot right back open.

Bell chose that moment to wake up and start wailing the most pitiful little wail I’d ever heard from her. She was daddy’s little girl, and if given a choice, would always choose me over her mother. That’s why, when her little eyes opened, she came to me and not her momma.


