Don’t Fall for Your Fake Boyfriend (Magnolia Ridge #4) Read Online Logan Chance

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Magnolia Ridge Series by Logan Chance

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 55832 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 279(@200wpm)___ 223(@250wpm)___ 186(@300wpm)

I shake my head, feeling the weight of the moment. “He didn’t say anything.”

“But you love him?” Miles asks, leaning forward, his expression a mix of curiosity and worry.

I’m sitting in the living room of Mom and Dad’s house, recounting everything that happened this week in Vegas to my older brothers. Of course, I’m leaving out the R-rated details, but they’re getting the gist. The room is filled with the comforting, familiar scents of home—freshly baked cookies and the faint hint of Dad’s cologne. The walls are decorated with family photos, each one a testament to the close-knit bond we share.

A tear races down my cheek as I sniffle. “Yes. I think I do.”

“That’s it. I’m flying to Vegas to kick the ever-loving shit out of Brock for hurting you,” Oliver declares, rising from his seat. My eldest brother has always had an extreme protective streak when it comes to our family. It’s in his nature as the oldest, to shield us from pain.

I place my hand on his forearm, pleading with my eyes for him to sit back down. “It’s not Brock’s fault. I knew what I was getting into. It was all fake.”

“Yeah, but he hurt you,” Oliver says, his dark eyes locking with mine. His jaw is set, and I can see the muscles tensing in his neck—a clear sign of his barely contained anger.

Kai, ever the mediator, steps in. “Let’s just think this through. What exactly happened?”

I take a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. “We agreed to pretend to be together for a while. It started out as a way to get back at Lake for hurting me, but somewhere along the way, it stopped feeling fake for me. I fell for him, and I thought maybe he felt the same, but...”

“But he didn’t say anything,” Miles finishes for me, his voice gentle. He’s always been the sensitive one, able to read between the lines of what I’m saying and feeling.

Oliver’s fists clench at his sides, but he sits back down, albeit reluctantly. “That guy has some nerve.”

“It’s not entirely his fault,” I repeat, my voice firmer this time. “I went into this knowing it was a charade. I just... I hoped it would turn into something real.”

Kai rubs his chin thoughtfully. “So what now? Are you going to talk to him?”

“I don’t know,” I admit, feeling a fresh wave of uncertainty wash over me. “Anya thinks he might feel the same way, but he’s just as confused and scared as I am.”

Oliver sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Well, if he does feel the same, he better figure it out quick. Because if he hurts you again, he’ll have to deal with all of us.”

“Thanks, Oliver,” I say, managing a small smile. “But this is something I have to figure out on my own. I appreciate the support, though.”

Miles leans over and gives me a reassuring hug. “We’re here for you, no matter what. Just remember that.”

“I know,” I reply, feeling a bit more grounded thanks to their support. “I just need some time to think.”

Kai nods. “Take all the time you need. We’ll be here.”

“I should have known better.” I can’t believe this is happening. A week ago I was hurting over Lake’s betrayal, and now I’m mourning the loss of a fake relationship with Brock.

“Lake’s an asshole,” Hendrix says, his dark eyes focusing on me. “He knew you and Brock were happy, and he had to ruin that for you. If you should be mad at anyone, it should be him.”

I nod in agreement. “Oh, trust me. I never want to see that man for as long as I live. He’s hurt me twice now.”

“Yeah, I’d still love to kick his ass too,” Oliver says.

“Violence is never the answer,” I say with a smile, a feeling of warmth traveling through me at my brother’s protective vibes. “But, if you’re going to have to beat somebody up, then have it be Lake.”

“I can’t believe Brock didn’t say anything. You shouldn’t have left Vegas without at least talking to him,” Kai says, forever the more sensible one out of all my brothers.

“It’s clear how he feels,” I say, shaking my head.

“Okay, go over the whole thing again. Lake announced to everyone you and Brock were faking everything, and you bolted. Explain the elevator confrontation again,” Miles asks.

I explain everything, telling my brothers how I told Lake I didn’t care for Brock either.

“Right there,” Jasper says, usually the quiet one of the bunch. “Don’t you see?”

We all look at Jasper who is now standing from his spot on the loveseat.

He paces the living room. “You were telling Lake how you didn’t have feelings for Brock, and Brock most likely overheard you. Of course he wouldn’t profess his undying love for you if he just heard you confirm it was in fact fake on your end.” Jasper’s dark eyes plead with mine to understand him.


